Well, I have kept meaning to post on here about Twixes's weird little quirks:

1) He REFUSES to walk or step on anything. Let's say there's something in his way of going somewhere laying on the floor for whatever reason.. Well, he WILL NOT walk over it and he will give me the most pitiful look until I move whatever it is out of his way. It's very funny to me:)

2) I will often find him with his whole back foot in his mouth. Sometimes, he will just let it sit there and others he will kind of chew on it, but he always, always, ALWAYS makes sure I don't get a picture of it.. Sigh.

3) He won't go poop unless no one he doesn't know is for sure not watching. Usually we go to the potty over in one of the aparmtent complex's yards, but today when he dragged me over there, saw the lady, and made a bee line back to where we came from, and he found a nice shaded square on the side of a bush to relieve himself xD Silly boy

That is all I have got, because as he doesn't do much of anything, there are no more quirks available to him xD What are some of your furbabies' quirks? (Not just your Corgis, but their fursiblings too-speaking of which, here are some of Skittles'!:P)

1) Skittles LOVES his tail to be yanked on. Hard. He lives for it, it's like ecstasy for him LOL. In the morning, as soon as I wake up, he is in my face--well, his butt is. And when I'm not pulling hard enough, he lets me know with constant obnoxious meows. He doesn't like our wood flooring for this exact reason-he slides instead of getting his full out tug, so he even pulls out his claws so that there's some friction and more force. And every time I pull him too close to pull him more, he will run forward a few steps and look back with a hammy "MEOW!" and then stretches his tail out in my direction for me to grab:P

2) He likes to beg for attention, and he makes sure you give it to him. He meows and meows and meows and meows and meows and meows and meows.. It goes on is my point:P Well, then when you are at your wits end and give up what you are doing to get up and give him attention-he runs away from you! And he WANTS you to chase him, because I do, and he runs me around the house for a good couple minutes before turning around and deciding I'm allowed to pet him finally.

3) He covers his potties in the litterbox for WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY longer than necessary. He will just dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig lol. It's very amusing.

4) This one was not so awesome when living at my mom's with her two cats, but it's not much of an issue now: he will not use a litterbox that has another cat's waste in it, even if it's just one buried turd, he won't do it. One time, he kept stepping into the box like he had to go, but he would quickly step out again. This went on for two minutes, me thinking how adorable he was being.. Well, that sure ended quickly when he popped a squat on my spare blanket! I picked him up and tossed him in the litter box, half in half out because I was in a rush to get the blanket into the washer.. When I came back up after starting the blanket, he was in the same exact posistion, his backside in the litter box and his front out, still peeing. When he was done, there was soooooooooooo much from his poor little bladder that he didn't even bother to try and cover it up, it was soaking the whole litter box, I kid you not! He really held it THAT LONG because of one turd from Little Kitty.

There are more for Skiski, but I don't really think that all you Corgi crazed people really wanna hear all about my kitty:P

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If there is something on the floor, Yuki will lay on it.  It could be a blanket, a sock, or a tiny piece of paper.  If it is there, he will treat it like the most comfortable doggy bed he has ever encountered.  ;)

If I am not paying attention when Yuki wants to be let outside, then he will start pacing back and forth in front of the kitchen door, rubbing the walls with his body like a cat.  Every time I get the camera, he just stops and stares at me.

Ellie will ignore food (that's right, ignore tasty noms) if there's a chance I might throw her tennis ball for her.  I think she may be some sort of alien breed of corgi.



Ignore food?   A corgi?    Is that possible?  

Haha, that is very amusing that Yuki likes to lay on things! Twix doesn't much mind that, laying on things, I think that the fur on the bottom of his feet just bothers him--it's SO LONG. (Well, I just recently cut it for him actually.)

Doggies are boogers!! I hate when they do cute things to tease you with kodak moments and then not give them to you!D:< Stinkers! Twix won't even let me get a picture of the typical Corgi frog leg posistion:( Tuuuuuuuuuurd!

I think you are right-Ellie is an alien Corgi xD Twix will ignore the most yummiest smelling bacon treats ever on our walks, I learned today. He was pulling and tugging as normal so I tried to persuade him since I finally remembered to bring treats.. No such luck.. Our Corgis are from mars.

Ahhhh...the closet pooper corgi.  Seanna is the same way.  She will not let you see her poop.  (She goes outside)...but if you are looking, she'll get up and move to where you're not.  In Kansas when we are out in the open, and there's no where to hdie, she throws me the dagger look.  Like "how dare you watch me"...

LOL.. That made me laugh, thinking about her look!:) Twix has to put up with me being in seeing range, since we don't have a yard. I do think it does make him uncomfy though, because when we did have a yard, if I would watch him, he would kinda waddle over to the side of the house, where I couldn't see!:P

When we brought Dolly home we went through the housebreaking steps to make sure she understood that carpet and grass are different. (she came from a home with wood floors.) So since all the dogs went outside and got praised for peeing, our spaniel decided that we had a new game and that he was supposed to pee in front of us......

My cat Mokey chews on shoes and will eat the laces. I have to keep them in the one cupboard she can't open. Bitter Apple doesn't bother her in the least.One of her favorite games is "gravity". She will get up on the entertainment center, table etc., knock something off and watch it fall.

Kramer was afraid snow, while falling anyway. It was as bad as some dogs get during a thunderstorm, he would tremble and hide until the snow stopped. Convincing him to go out and go potty was hard. He would turn around and look like I was sending him out to the wolves. He was also afraid of falling leaves. Living in Maine, afraid of snow...he ended up on anxiety meds every winter. I was always able to be home with him during the worst storms when school was cancelled.

Haha, Mokey sounds like quite the character! xD Gravity sounds like a fun game.... Thank Mother Nature my kitty has never heard of it, it would seem! xD He's a mostly good boy:P

Poor Kramer.. I wonder why it scared him so bad?D: I haven't ever had a dog that was really scared of anything until Twix, and it is a bit odd to me, and hard to deal with because I'm not entirely sure how to deal with it.. I'm learning though, kinda.. Just really slowly haha.

Ha!  My former cat (now my mom's since she got too attached) likes the gravity game.  It's cute until there is something that is glass that hits a hard floor.  Now I like that this habit has a name.  My male cat I have now doesn't do that, but he will cover up the un-eaten portion of his cat food with anything that is near it (piece of paper, cloth, towel, etc.)

I always have to accompany Scout out when it is raining / snowing.  Otherwise, she will just sit there like, "You're not going.  Why should I go?"  Our current yard isn't fenced (that'll hopefully change soon) and if its nice, I can stay on the porch while she does her business.  If it is bad outside, I must walk all the way down the stairs so she knows I'm there to keep her safe.

Teddy snores. Really loud. He's also a world class bed hogger. He has this habit of sleeping right next to me so I can't move. It always happens when I'm on my side and I end up on 1/4 of the bed and he has the rest. Brat.

Tama gets fed 3 small meals a day to keep his sensitive tummy happy but he barks only after his dinner.  Just one arf and then silence.  He gets his dinner in the Wobbler so we thought that was triggering the arf, but we tried the Wobbler for breakfast and lunch but no arf.  Just after dinner no matter how it's served.

Scout is another corgi that is wierd about food.  If she is eating and I say her name, she immediately leaves the food bowl and wants my attention (I actually love this.  Makes me feel like I'm more important than food)

Also, when eating her first couple bites, she is wierd.  Her bowl is on a hard floor.  There is a rug about 2 feet away.  She will pick up food in her mouth, walk over to the rug, sit down, and then eat.  This is only for the first 4-5 bites, then she eats like normal. 


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