My Corgi Jake is 22 months old. I got him when he was 20 months old.  I also have another dog who is 3.

I am having a hard time getting him to understand that he must go outside to go potty. His accidents occur at night and when I am at work during the day.  When we are home, except at night, he has the ability to go in and out whenever he pleases because I have a doggie door. I make sure I take him out first thing in the morning, as soon as I get home from work and before we go to bed in addition to being able to go out on his own.

He is not confined during the day - he has free roam of the house the same as my other dog.

I know I have to develop a set routine, but I need help developing the best routine.  Before I got Jake he was in an outside kennel all the time, so he could basically go whenever he wanted.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I know he has the ability to do it because he is very intelligent and definately wants to please me, but i just don't know how to get him there.



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Housebreaking an older dog is the same as for a puppy. You have to keep him confined at all times! If he is allowed to roam the house and pee where he wants, he will keep going back to the same places. No matter how hard you try you will never find them all, and get all the smell out, espcially with carpet. This loss of freedom will not be welcome to your other dog (PS check out the honorary corgi group), but the longer you let Jake pee in the house the harder it will be to train him to go outside. My older dog will even revert to going in the house when we bring a new dog home, so you could have a double problem. Check Sam's post in FAQ.

This will take time. Don't train for a week and then let him roam again, then you will have to start over with the training. I work and have a doggy door, too. I can't let my dogs roam the house when I am gone, because one is not trustworthy. I am fortunate that my doggy door is in the laundry room so I can lock them in there and they have the shelter of that room as well as access to the dog run during the day. Make sure they are safe when you are gone and train as much as you can when you are home, and be patient.

good luck 

Too much freedom too soon.  Where is your pet door?  Can you confine him to the area where the pet door is, when you go to work? When you are home, he is OK, so no need to change anything there.  At night, I would either crate him or tie him with a leash at the foot of my headboard, and teach him to be quiet there.  You may have to take him out if he fusses, for a few times, but he will soon break the habit of going at night. 

I wouldn't let him roam in the house when you're gone or asleep until he's 100% house trained. The more accidents he has inside the harder it may be to break him of the habit. I'd keep him in an xpen during the day and crate him at night until he learns that he needs to either hold it or ask you to go out.


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