Hi all - new to the board!

After living in a no-pets apartment for 5 years, we've finally moved...and are in the market for a dog.  We have a friend (several states away) who has a Corgi.  While visiting, we became enamored of "Blueberry" and are seriously considering Corgis as our breed of choice. 

We've done research, and unfortunately there are several things that are giving me pause.   So I'd love to get some input from experienced Corgi owners before taking the plunge...

Details about us: both experienced, dedicated dog owners - we've had both large and small.  Our last one died of old age 5 years ago...and our landlord implemented a building wide no-pets policy.  We live in NYC, in a 2 bedroom coop (1100 square feet.)  We both work.  I tend to have long hours, but my husband's work is flexible.  Back when we had our older dogs, we always made a point of 3 walks a day.  There's also a park, right near our home.  (My husband is interested in the possibility of training our Corgi for agility, though it would be a new experience for us.) We can live with fur.  That's not a problem.

We also have a 6 year old cat (he has his claws, and didn't seem bothered the one time had some pups over for a few hours, as part of a rescue transport.)

In researching, I've read that Corgis are intelligent, energetic - and can be really destructive when left alone.  Our dogs are always members of our family - but I don't want to make the mistake of getting a dog that ends up destroying the house from boredom...or barking incessantly and bothering the neighbors.  Is a Corgi a reasonable breed for our situation?  Or do we need to rethink this, and consider other breeds?

**As a side item - my husband is insisting on a puppy, since he's afraid that an older dog might be a danger to the cat.  But if that's not the case, we'd love to do rescue (older, though still young enough that we'll have several years with him/her and don't have to go through the heartbreak again, too soon.)  Welcome anyone's thoughts on this!!



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I don't think corgis are any more destructive than any other breed. I got Franklin because I lived in an apartment in downtown San Francisco. He was not destructive at all, never barked or whined when left alone, and was a wonderful apartment dog. I now have my 2nd corgi, who is a rescue, and he is a TERROR! VERY VERY destructive, has to be kept confined if left alone and no amount of exercise curbs this behavior. I think if you are worried about a destructive dog you should either a) get a puppy and impliment training from the get go or b) adopt an owner surrender adult or an adult from a breeder where you know the history. While rescuing is excellent, I have come to find that it probably isn't the best idea if you rent unless you are prepared for some damage. Kirby (my new guy) has not damaged the apartment at all, just my stuff. Neither of my dogs are barkers but both do require a lot of exercise. I think the dog will adapt to your schedule. Mine are used to a short walk in the am, one on my lunch hour, and then play time at night, they do fine on my days off with one really long walk too though. I think as long as you are willing to train the dog and exercise the dog corgis are an EXCELLENT apartment breed, but beware, once you have one you will want another!! Lol

As for cats, before I got Kirby I had an adult retired show dog on trial, he was 4 years old and had never seen a cat before, he did fine with my 2 cats. Franklin LOVES cats and Kirby the new guy is also excellent with my cats, so don't rule out an older dog just because of the cat thing.

Well said. I really don't think Corgi's are more destructive than any other breed. It really is about the discipline and time spent with the pup. It is sad to hear about your rescue dog. Do you know what happened to him before you rescued him?

i agree with melissa! i think it is very possible for them to become destructive, but i want to believe that comes from not enough stimulation and play! my girl is 15 weeks and is starting to teeth and is starting to bite everything, but since she is still a puppy she is confined to a very puppy proofed room, and is crated when not supervised. i think as long as you are careful not to leave things in its reach and make sure they have other things to chew on and take out their energy on, it wouldnt be a problem at all! 

i currently have three cats, and emi gets along with all of them and its only been 3 weeks! she actually plays and rough houses with one of them ^^ since you guys are interested in getting a puppy, i think it will work out for you to be able to train the dog to be good (or tolerate) cats as well as being able to correct any "destructive" behavior earlier on so it does not become a problem later on.

i also read that they are quite the barkers, and was really worried about that because i have housemates and i didnt want to bother them! emi barked alot in the beginning and barked at EVERYTHING, but mainly because she was scared, overtime she learned not to bark and everything and became more comfortable with her surroundings. i really do believe that behavior is very correctable, emi barely barks now! 

corgis are great, and they really are like potato chips (you can just have one!). my boyfriend and i also have another one on the way ;) they really fun, and really do make you smile, even if they are a alot of work. 

best of luck to you and welcome to mycorgi! (:

This is one of the best discussions I have seen that might be helpful for you.  Good luck!

So You Think You Want A Corgi

"light shedding can be expected year-round"


That's an understatement, to say the least.  Corgis are shedding machines!

Oh my aren't they! I wish my two would get on the same schedule when they shed their entire coat every 6 months, but not yet! Gotta deal with hair if you want a Corgi :)

This is definitely true, but I have found that giving Lulu lipid/oil supplements has really cut-down on her shedding. I don't give her "no shed" supplments, they are just helps for the coat. I had started giving them to her after she had a skin problem as a puppy, and then realized that the supplements were similar to "no shed" (mineral oil). So, it's a thought, if you'd like to cut down on the overall hair loss. (Still, be prepared to find hair in your microwave, etc.; it gets everywhere!)

I think the exercise and mental stimulation are not difficult to supply in apartment life.  We have a townhouse without a back yard, and we go for 3 walks a day, with non-walk playtime every day and longer walks/hikes on the weekends.  Mishka is on the mellow end of the Pembroke scale - plenty of energy but he doesn't go stir-crazy with shorter walks on rainy days.

My main concern with living in close quarters in the city would be barking - corgis range from virtually silent to constant barkers.  Our Mishka was silent until he hit 14 months and then he found his voice - we get alert wuffs for pedestrians, arrooooos for dogs, and a full on barkfest for the doorbell.  And having met a few corgis now, I don't consider Mishka to be much of a barker.  Fortunately, our townhouse has excellent sound insulation - you can't hear televisions, parties, or babies crying unless everyone has windows open.  

A good breeder can probably give you a lot of insight into how much a given puppy's immediate relatives tend to bark and can probably make a good temperament match, too.  Just be up front about your concerns and if the first breeder you talk to doesn't think his/her dogs would be a good match for city life, they can refer you to another breeder who might have a better match for you.  They want you and the dog to be happy with each other for a long time.

(If I may add a word about agility, there are a lot of behaviors you want to shape in an agility dog that are not intuitive to a first-time agility person, and it would pay to find out what some of them are long before you start taking classes.  We are trying to unlearn a few things that were perfectly fine behaviors until we started classes.  Agility is super-fun, but teaching a long, low dog that you want him to stop, sit, stay, etc. differently than he has been for the last 18 months with you involves a LOT of bending down and squats.  I'm always sore after class!)

You're now living somewhere that allows animal right?

Hi all -

Thanks!  (Going to be reading through 'So You Think You Want"  - to get even more info.  FYI - yes...our new coop is dog/pet friendly.  I even insisted that it be included in the contract that there were no breed restrictions.  No way was I going to buy a place and then find that my choice of dog was limited...  :)

This discussion brings up another question (or two or three) for me...  Do the majority of Corgi owners feel that crate training is the way to go?  Actually have never crate trained before, but I'd be okay with giving it a go if that's the best thing for the pup (or older rescue.) 

One thing that occurs to me, that I forgot to mention in my original post.  I like *affectionate* dogs.  I want a snuggler.  :)  Do Corgis - in general - fit the bill?  I don't want a canine cat! 

Then there's the bit I've been reading about DM (?)  Most of the articles I've reviewed state that Corgis are a pretty healthy breed...then I read about spine and joint issues.  Is this something that's common in the breed (or just something that I need to watch out for when I'm looking for a breeder..?)

Thanks!!  :)

Hi Janet, we got 2 puppy cardigans in 2010 and decided to crate train them. I had two older dogs that we did not crate train (didn't know any better at the time and paid the price with destroyed property, including several pair of shoes.) Crate training has been the best decision for us. It gives me peace of mind since my corgis love to chew stuff, and one of them knows how to get on tables and the bar. Can't speak for pembrokes, but my cardigans can be lap dogs on occasion ( especially with my husband.) and are generally sitting near me if not cuddling on my lap. Mine are pretty good about letting me cuddle them, even if it wasn't their idea. (Interpreted as: I often force them to cuddle, and they wait patiently until I finally let them go.) I can't really speak to the DM issue, other than I know it's an issue to be aware of. There are others on here that can give you more info on it. Good luck with your search!

Hi Janet, welcome to MyCorgi.com. Yes, crate training is the way to go, you can read all about potty training in the FAQ, you will apply the same principal even with an older rescue.

Dog behaviour depends on the individual dog's personality, not gender or heavily on breed itself. You will need a good breeder / rescuer group to help you in matching your companion, one that suits your lifestyle.

When it comes to diseases like DM, joint, dental, back...etc, genetics loads the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger. You can find reputable breeders, pay good money to rule out genetics, the rest is up to you.

I personally would not get a puppy in the next 10 years, I know my lifestyle and social commitments would not allow it. I've fostered and rehome 40 corgis in the past 5 years, I've never met one that is "damaged", it all comes down to the rescuer's honesty, ability to identify and match forever homes and the adopter's realistic time / behaviour expectation and their dog handling abilities / experience.

I would encourage you to joint the NYC group and meet the owners / corgis in person, soak up all their wisdom and go from there. Good luck!


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