So Juno was "recommended to have a 4th set of shots because of his shot schedule thus far.

4/30: DAP (2days shy of 8weeks)
5/20: DHPP, Corona, Bordetella (3days shy of 11weeks & 1day before three weeks a part from last set of shots)
6/10: DHPP, Coronoa, Bordetelle (3days shy of 14weeks & 3wks a part from last set)

"technically" he's already had all three sets of shots though the vet and the techs suggested that he get yet another set of DHPP when he's 16weeks along w/ his rabies. Reason being is at 16 weeks is when Juno's moms' protection is totally out of his system? That's what they've all explained to me.

What do you guys think? get another set or stay w/ what he's got and just get the rabies? If he does get another set, should it be seperate from his rabies date?


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It depends on what vaccines they are using. Some are stronger to break through maternal antibodies and can be safely stopped at 14 weeks, others are not and they need a booster at 16 weeks. At least that's what I've been figuring out after reading whatever I could find online. I might have a link somewhere saved at home. If I can find it later I'll update.

I would base the decision on the prevalence of parvo in your area and how much you trust your vet. I worked at a vet lest summer that made EVERY dog get 4 sets of shots, yes me have a  lot of parvo around here but the main reason was more money for them. The vet I work for now only recommends 4 sets for breeds prone to parvo and those who started the series really early. If you have a lot of parvo in your area I would totally do it because better safe than sorry, and despite what everyone believes you won't kill your dog by giving it one extra vaccine. They have a valid point about maternal antibodies but generally speaking (if I remember right) the maternal antibodies are assumed to be gone around 6-8 weeks and that's why we give 3 sets. One set is given not knowing if it did anything and the 2nd and 3rd set are the ones we hope are actually stimulating the immune system. Also FYI, Corona is not a necessary vaccine. It is strictly a disease of young puppies so unless your vet has a combo vaccine with the DHPP I would decline it. My vet has a DAPP/Corona combo which is cheaper for the clients than just the DAPP so we do give Corona, but make sure you aren't being charged extra for it since it does nothing in dogs over about 6 weeks old.

hmm. didn't know that about corona, he got two already.

Personally, I would do it to insure full protection, then another set a year after that last  shot and every 3 yrs thereafter.

Here is the article I promised.

It does a better job explaining than any I've heard.  I went digging as much as I could because Jack got his last round at 14 weeks and my vet is good at keeping current with news.  My vet has done three-year vaccines for many years, for instance.  He stops vaccinating older cats against all but rabies.   He went to Cornell and keeps up with their seminars and the like.  So when he did the 3rd set at 14 weeks and stopped, yet everywhere else I heard 16 weeks, I was curious. 

From the article:

"Most of the currently available vaccines are high antigen vaccines which break through maternal antibody protection earlier than the the original parvovirus vaccines. These vaccines also provide protection in most puppies when given between 12 and 14 weeks of age. The older parvovirus vaccines had to be given until 16 or even 20 weeks of age to ensure maximum protection. Of the currently available vaccines still in use only the Vanguard ™ series of vaccines from Pfizer Animal Health ™ are the older type of vaccine (as of 2006, per “Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat” by Greene)."

I really encourage you to read the whole article.   It does not quite match some of what has been said here and is very informative. 

That was a very great & in depth article. Thank you!

Oh, and I would definitely not give rabies on the same day as DHPP to a puppy.  I would space them out.

Do you think 1day apart is good enough? I'm trying to figure out the shot schedule because I want his rabies so he can go to the park but he also need that extra I'm wondering the best time frame between the two.

I'd say a week or two between.


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