Hi there-- My Eowyn is loosing hair a lot. Not just shedding, which she does a lot, but her fur is like disappearing around her rump area and her mouth. Her fur is almost gone from under her tail, all the way down to her little lady part. And her front lips where she use to have white, prickly, fur, it's totally bald. It's concerning me also due to the fact she got fixed sometime in May I think. 24th of May, around then, and where they shaved her belly, it's still bald. Is that normal? She doesn't have a strand of hair on her belly at all. I was expecting her to have her full belly of fur by now. (which I am dearly missing) I would like to know if this is normal? Or should I take her to the vet? Thank you!

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Is she licking or itchy anywhere, or is she losing hair without discomfort?
No she's not licking or itchy anywhere. It's odd. She doesn't act as if she is uncomfortable, she just looks weird.
I think I would take her to the vet.
Yeah, I will this weekend. I hope she's okay. :(
I agree with Sam. She may have caught something at the vet's when she went in to be fixed or have a severe allergy to something. I think I would play on the safe side and have the vet take a look at her to see what's going on! I hope everything goes ok. Let us know!
Yeah, I'm thinking that's the best bet to do instead of waiting. Better safe than sorry. Thank you :)
Wow really? I guess I'm so use to our cat. She went to the vets and was shaved and her hair grew back in two days! I was just a bit concerned because it wasn't coming back. Thank you!
Mochi's fur under her belly has never been the same ever since they shaved it, and its been 4 months since she got spayed!!! It's grown back but like sparsely and you can totally tell where they shaved... Poor Mochi!!!
Uh-oh really? Poor Mochi. :( Eowyn looks so weird with it gone. She looks too big around her chest, then she has this skinny waste. I bet people think we shaved her to look like that, because that's what it looks like. I miss her fluffy belly. :(
Chloe got spayed in... March. She has a little bit of belly fur- not fuzzy or pointy like it use to be. It takes time for it to come back. I wouldnt worry.. Im in the same boat as you.
Yeah, that's what I've been hearing. I guess I'll wait for her tummy hairs, but the other parts are concerning me.


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