What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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I love Man Ray and Lee Miller's work. I never knew that she was nicknamed Le-Le. Is it pronounced Lay-Lay? That's my neice's nickname. Her actual name is Soleil. I saw a wonderful exhibition at the Tate Modern called "Surrealism: Desire Unbound." It was a collection of photos, paintings, sculptures, love letters, poems and candid photos of the whole group hanging out.
My male corgi (corey) is nicknamed pickles and my female (holly) is nicknamed noodles.
We call Sandy peanut, bunny butt )us, too!), little legs, Snuggle Nut, beanie bot and a bunch of other nick names that I am too embarrassed to share!
My Corgi's name is Callie and I call her Stubbs, Cal, Callie-kins, pup, bunny butt, and my fluff ball (she has lost her fluff some now though)
My corgi's name is Owen. His AKC name is "Nancy's Owen Remy." Owen because I was looking up Welsh names and this seemed to just sound right - it was short and easy to say. And Remy after the rat in Ratatouille - I figured that he'd be really into food, and I was right! Some nicknames are Owie, Love Bug, Young Pup, Little One & Little Foot. Sometimes I refer to him as a sausage or tube, especially if he's wearing his form fitting shirts, hehe :)
registered name: Sir Guiness Chubbs III (seriously, it's on his papers!) the litter was the "alcohol" litter (mom's name is Bacardi Breezer) so we had to pick an alcoholic name. We chose Guiness 'cause he looks like a pint of Guiness (he's tri-colour).
real name: Chubbs or Mr. Chubbs (if you know the Mr. Plow song from the Simpsons, that's where Mr. Chubbs came from)
nick names: you sure you want all of them?...
Chubbers, Flubbers, Flubbs, Mr. Flubbers, Fluffy Butt (he's a fluff-coated), bunny butt (I think all corgi owners call them that, especially when they do that running hop thingy!) Chumba-Wumba, Chimihchonga (spelling?), Lazy Butt, Brat, the Licker (thank god he stopped nipping, but now all he does is lick our feet!), and I know there are more, but I can't remember them all! :)
Caleb goes by "Cay" and "My Sweet Boy". "Fuzzy butt" would be appropriate, but unfortunately, I've been calling Sophie the Cat "Fuzzy Butt" since she was a kitten, so it's hers. :-)
Mine registered name is Prince Myles. We call him Myles.
our nick names are smiles, smiley, wiggle butt.
names are Epinephrine, and Carly (we didn't do it, I was going to name her Lidocaine but oh well)

Nicknames are- Epi, Neppynephrine, stinker (stinker butt), young lady (said with as much disapointment as possible she only gets it when she's really naughty and she gets oh so dramatic), corg'eh'nephrine, fluff'en'ephrine, pretty little girl, "She's the Baby" (thats a cuddle time name she goes to sleep with lol, are we crazy?)

nickname for Carly- she's new to us and as a 3 yo rescue dog it will be hard to rename her Lidocaine, but we have come up with gnarly carly, pretty dog, frog dog, cat hunter (which is a joke cause our kitty Bailey just glares and she moves faster away)
that is very funny...are you in the medical field?
My Corgi's name is Lucky Draw Black Jack, but his nicknames include ...

Mister Jack, Jackums, Jack-A-Roo, Mister [Or 'Midder' when he's being cute.] , Bunny Butt, Jackaroni And Cheese [Given to him by his 'Aunt'] Captain Woof Woof, Woofs MaGee, Jackson, Jack-Jack, Chubbs, Nubs, Jack-O!, Little Man, and etc. :]
Our corgi's name is Flash, but we usually call him Flashy, Little Pup, Scamp, Scampy, or newly he is being called Studebaker for some strange reason...


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