Well, as much as I LOVE corgis I don't think our second dog (if we ever get another one) will be a corgi due to such an immense amount of work put into the breed. I was wondering, if our family does consider bringing in another dog, what breed would best be compatible with a corgi? I was really looking for a breed that loves people, other animals, cuddling, relaxing, easy to train, does not bark that much, not a very protective dog (since I have Napolean for  that), and they do not shed (low allergy level). I've been looking into the bichon frise breed...does any one have experience with both breeds?? I'd love any other suggestions for another breed (I'd love if the dog was small or medium size too, unless people have had better experiences with a larger dog matched with a corgi) too. Thanks ahead of time!

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How about a whippet?  It certainly fits all of your needs listed here.  A whippet can also give your Napolean a work out too!

Our neighbors have a male Shihtzu and he is very loving.  He gets along great with my Ella.  My neighbor said he doesn't shed either!   They are in their 80's and have no problem handling him.  They do have to get his coat trimmed every so often.  I personally would love to get a dashund some day or another corgi. 

the best is another Corgi. you can never have enough Corgi's

You know, this is exactly what I was thinking!  When I worked as a vet tech we saw a lot of Bichon's and every one of them had some type of skin problem. That's typical for white dogs. I honestly find that having two corgis is just as easy, if not easier than one. They have no 'getting along' issues with each other and they wear each other out. What takes us hours to do in walks and play sessions, takes them 5 minutes with each other. They are very good together, but not necessarily dependent on each other. I've already decided that when something happens to our Boston, we'll get a third corgi.

A lab is a perfect match. There independent like the corgi. But very loving. They constantly want to please there master. There pillows pretty much. There the number one dog in America and loves to swim and are amazing off leashes. They are known to be number one in training and behavior.


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