In honor of Mocha, I am starting a bucket list for Vienna as well. She was diagnosed with stage 5 lymphoma today. Please take a look at Mocha's list and share your suggestions on this one. I will post a picture / video as I complete each one.

Update Aug 1, 11:02pm

Dear Corgi friends,

I am overwhelmed with your love, prayers and support. Thank you for taking time to write me, I cherish each thoughtful message / reply. Please forgive me, for I cannot reply every message at this time.

To answer some of your questions. My vet was just as shocked as we were. Mocha and Vienna were born in different parts of Florida to 2 different breeders / parents and time of the year. We have never lived in a hazard area or purposely expose ourselves to cancer causing agent. Due to the cancer had already spread to the bone marrow (stage 5), chemo will not guarantee longer or better quality of life. We like to respectfully decline any financial assistance. However, we like to take this opportunity to encourage you to donate to Corgipals, Sunshine Corgi Rescue, ForPaws and CorgiAid. Open your hearts for a rescue corgi or volunteer to become a foster parent / transport.

Life is never fair, sometimes even cruel. I don't blame God or anyone for the recent events. My faith remain strong, I believe He will continue to provide me with strength to carry on. My wife and I had ran out of tears, perhaps still in shock. We think the best use of our time now is to focus on "Living and celebrate Vienna's life". Corgi nation is closer than ever, let us continue to help one another, be kind and pay it forward.


Sam, Silvia & Vienna

Dec 23rd 2012 Update

Hello Corgi Friends,

Our beloved Vienna joined Mocha at the rainbow bridge 3 days ago, 1 day before the Mayan calendar ends. 

It's been very difficult coming home without the barking, especially the lack of jingling sound from her collar. We miss having our kitchen floor clean , we miss her drive by licking and nose nudges during dinner time.

We find ourselves staring at the ground level constantly, hoping to find her beautiful smile. Everywhere we look brought back sweet memories.

No, we will never forget them, the holes in our hearts will never be filled, nor another dog will replace their place in our hearts, but in time, our hearts will heal. 

Mocha and Vienna were our kids, the first 10 years of our marriage foundation. They have taught us so much and preparing us for human kids of our own someday. Until then, we will continue to foster and placing rescue corgis in need.

Thank you for your messages and walking this journey with us. Y'all gave us strength, comfort and hope. We will be absent for a lil bit after the holidays, to get away, recharge and heal. Life is short, please hug your corgis, give them a real piece of juicy meat, take lots of picture / videos, go and create more memories.

Happy Holidays! Blessings to you all!


Sam & Silvia

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I don't know how you have the strength to even type. I would not be able to even feed myself. You are an amazing person. Be sure to take care of yourself thru this. You are the last person to deserve this. Anything you need, just let us know. I am literally crying right now. This breaks my heart. Shatters. Take care of yourself. :-(

My heart breaks for you and your wife.  I cried when I read your post about Mocha's passing.  I recently had my beloved ferret pass away, in his favorite hiding place, just minutes before I looked for him to put him to bed.  I held him for a long time while we all said our goodbyes to him.  They are so beloved to us we don't want to let go.  Thank goodness for my Story, she eases the pain a bit.  Then I read your post today about Vienna, and I just can't believe it, nor imagine how you feel.  You are all in my thoughts and prayers, what amazing Corgi parents you and Sylvia are.  Thank you for letting us all know, we are all connected here through our love of our dogs.


Give Vienna kisses from me and mom.. xoxo

OMG...I thought my eye's were playing games on me when I saw Vienna's name, just lost close friend at 56 went to wake tonight, funeral tomorrow, my eye's burn from all the crying, bucket list....everything and anything Vienna's little heart and your wife are in my prayers, love jeanne and Baylee May

Oh Sam this is such terrible news. I haven't been online due to no internet at the new house and just saw this news today. My heart goes out to you and your family. I am so sad for you. Mocha and Vienna were/are both very lucky to have such a loving family. This news is just tragic and I am sending many corgi hugs from my boys. I'm so sorry

Sam, I'm so sorry ...... I don't even know what to say.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife ... and of course, with Vienna.  

Dear Sam,

I am sending you our love and prayers. I hope I have told you in the past what a lovely paw you and Mocha are to us. Vienna is so sweet as well. I think Vienna needs a peanut butter jar weekly, a full one. 

Massive hugs,

Kitty and Gwenie

A taste of chocolate if she hvn't tried any of it. Save it for the last.... ....

Oh Sam I am so sorry this has happend to your family. We know that God has a plan.  Maybe Vienna would like a big steak, or huge raw lamb bone?

Praying for you and your family.

I sat on the coach stunned and sobbing last night when I read your update about Vienna. Once again no words, only tears... You, Sylvia, and Vienna are in my prayers as you have been all along. We, the CorgiNation, celebrate Vienna's life with you. And we grieve with you over the loss of Mocha and this latest new. We are many and we are one.

May God hold you close in his hand right now. I am holding you all close in my heart and prayers. Much Corgi love, Caryl, Hunter, Pippin, and Tanner

I donated $20.00 to Corgipals in honor of Mocha and Vienna. Continued prayers for you and your family.


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