Hi everyone,

I have a 6 month Corgi but no human babies yet. I am wondering if any of you have experience raising babies with Corgis. Are Corgi's good with kids?


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We have three little girls and Lily is amazing with each of them. She does nip at their feet, but we have solved that issue by firmly saying No when she does it. She does jump up on them, but when told to stop, she does as she is told. Another thing we have noticed about her behavior around the girls is that she is very alert and protective of them. If she sees one wander off from us in the yard, she immediately is over there and patiently herds them back. She is so watchful of each of them. We are pleased with her behavior with them, and would not trade Lily for anything in the world! Hope this helps :)
i don't have any babies yet but neeka LOVES kids, we get them all the time at work and she gets waaay to excited. she jumps on them sometimes, and tries to lick their face so i keep her on a leash aroudn them. she also is sooo good with them, they can pull her ears, stick there fingers in her mouth, huge her really hard and puts up with it.
My daughter was brought up with a corgi her name was Kayla. Kayla was 6 mos. older than my daughter. It was a great experience for my daughter to grow up with her own dog. They had the best relationship for 15 years. Kayla liked to herd her when she was younger and treated Victoria as her puppy. Always looked out for her...
thanks for the responses! glad to hear your corgi's are protecting your kids!
I dont have kids, dont really have relatives with kids, and didipie wasnt around kids until she was ab 6-7 months. When she did meet the neighbor kids, she was amazing with them. She sits really still for them to pet her and when they get near the street she starts whining and barking these really nervous barks and looking at the adults like "DO SOMETHING". It's puzzling... but cute.
Oh God! Save the human puppy!
She knows this too, as she ran into the street INFRONT of a car that looked like my bf's car once and I ran into the street like a crazy person, yelled at her (while the car waited....), spanked her butt and chased her home. My neighbors think I'm a nut and a possible animal abuser.
But she knows to protect the children from the street now? Or maybe from what i might do if they go into the street.
I've been told that corgis are better with "older children." But what this age range is, I do not know.

Banzai is still a puppy (10wks) and seems to like children a lot more then he likes grown ups. I think it's because kids are closer to the ground, his hight.
My general experience is that corgis are good with "respectful" children. I always advise folks that are considering starting a family at sometime to make sure and socialize their young dog with children of all ages. The biggest problem I see is when babies become mobile and wish to explore I do think many corgis are not as tolerant of grabbing as some breeds are. As they become toddlers and youngsters that run and scream to play many corgis enter a high excitement level at this time. Nipping is not unusual but easily redirected with supervision. My guys all love kids and did not live in a home with them. However on the rescue front we do get many corgis surrendered when a baby enters the family.
Ginny LOVES kids. She sees them at the park and makes a bee-line for them. She especially likes the 6-8 year old boys who wrestle with her (as her mommy is not a big wrestler). The only thing is that she still has a tendency to jump up on them, which I've been trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to curb. She really just wants to kiss them, but it scares toddlers, especially those who aren't used to being around dogs. Otherwise, I think she probably wishes I would bring a kiddo home for her to play with.
When I got my first Corgi I took him to all of my daughters softball games. Little kids were all over him and he loved it. I would let them lead him around. Actually he would lead them around. All of our Corgis have done well with kids. I love it when they see kids. they drop their ears and walk to them with their little nubbins wiggling! I do think it is important to socialize them around young children. It really makes a difference.
Yes I agree with Sam about "respectful" children and Kristen also has a very good point about socializing them around kids of all ages. Our cardigan loves children too, but since he is not around young children consisently he doesnt like it when they cry....he feels like they are being hurt and needs to protect the child! It is very hard to socialize a dog around small children if you dont have them around. If you can somehow socialize them with young children as much as possible. It is good for them to get used to the yelling, crying, running, etc. of young children especially if you know one day you will have little ones. All in all I agree with everyone, saying that corgis do love children. Socialization around children is very important with corgis so they know how to react to all different situations. I wish I would have had a little one to raise along with a corgi so I could "train" them together! We got our corgi and our girls were already 6 and 8.


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