What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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I love hearing all the nicknames lol. makes mine seem more normal than i thought they would :)

Belle is her name and nicknames are: bells, bell bells, bellzers, fatty, radar, bear butt, fluffy, bunny, cutie pie, belly belle, jelly belly

My corgi's name is Moose. His nicknames are mini moose, mighty moose, loose moose, elliot moose, bunny boy, muchkin, moosemoose, musa, shorty and handsome.

I call Austin( short for Austin Cooper Mini Rider) is My Little Man, or if he is grumbly, he is Sir GrumpsALot, or just Mr Grumpy Pants.  It's funny, because he does come when I call Hey Mr. Grumpy Pants.

Given name is Caesar, but he goes by "Big-C"



My corgi's name is Charlie :)


Nick names: Charlie Bear (my sister calls him this), Baby, my baby, Grossy Gross (when he does gross things; eat fertilizer, eat worms, lick other dog's pee.... ugh), Farty Pants, Fart Monster (silent but deadlies), my son (my bf calls him this... haha), Liu Tsa Lee (Tsa Lee is "Charlie" in Chinese, my parents and mandarin speaking friends call him "Liu Tsa Lee" - my last name is Liu). 

Our boys are Butler because he likes to answer the door and Redford because he's blond and good looking like Robert Redford.  Butler is just Little Boy.  Redford is Big Boy, Big Galoot, Barky Boy and Adventure Boy.  The puppy we lost was Corky also called The Cork, Corkster and Destructo-Puppy.

Our corgi-girl is Effie Trinket. We got the name from The Hunger Games. (we read the books way before the movie came out) We call her Ef, Effers, Effington, Effie-sauras rex, scrapper, frap-queen.. there are more but I'm drawing a blank!

Our corgi's name is Nubbersworth. His nicknames are nubnub, nubby, nubster. Once in awhile I call him my piggy because sometimes he snorts like a pig. :)

my boys are german named because i love reading up on ww2 and no one does german names. Hehe. My belated Panzers nicks were: panzer-butt, panzy, tank, bear with no legs, stinker. Klaus nicks are: von ears, over sized hamster, cloud( my fiancees nick for him), big man.

I would imagine that Ellie sometimes thinks her name is "What", because every time she sits in front of me looking at me, I say "What?".

My corgi's name is Annie, & her nick names are, Nubs, Nubwag, Fuzz, Fuzzbutt, Babes, Babyannie, Annieannieannie, Bunnybutt, & Pushy paws, 

Our corgi's name is Indiana Bones- after Indiana Jones, of course. We mainly call him Indy, Indy Bear, or The Bear. 


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