If I die tomorrow...

Last night, this keep me up all night. Death do Happen. But I just worry who is going to take care of my three corgis. If I get hit by a truck tomorrow, who is going to take care of them? I am a loner, I know people but don't have too many friends. Got a couple good friends, but they are not animal person. Not to mention they have their kid and family need to take care of. 

The major concern is the first few days. Who is going to feed them? Who is going to give them water? Who is going to let them out? And who is going pet them? They are locked in their room. Someone need to open the gate for them? But who will know I am not around?

They are all very good dogs, so I am sure someone will adopt them. But they are a family, Maggie (mom), Moe (dad) and Markus (son). I don't want them to separate, they will be upset if they can't see each other. But I guess I don't have a say at that time. My stuff, photography and audiophile gear, do worth something, and the money should be able to support them for awhile. But it is just hard to choose who is going to take care of them. Especially when I am not around.


Photo Order, Markus, Moe, Maggie

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HI Vic, as a rescue person who've dealt with situation like this, my advise is have a well documented will for your family / friends / lawyer to carry out.

will do. But just try to come up the name on the list will be a little hard. 

I have thought about this too, and it does me up at night.  Lilly is such a Diva, and spoiled, who is going to understand her like I do? So, I made arrangements with my friends who I got her from.  They have 4 of their own.  And so if anything happens to them, I will provide for their 4 and vice versa.  Its a scary thing, and something no one wants to talk about, but I had to make provisions for Lilly.  My kids are grown, and she is everything to me.  I had an English Mastiff and his death was so traumatic, that I have put so much into this little corgi, and so I worry constantly.  But all I can do, is trust in my friends...and stay in the now so we can enjoy our time together. 

It is nice that you have a good friend to trust. But for my case, I have 3 corgis. It is just not that easy to find someone that want 3 extra dogs. Not to mention, most of my friends don't have dogs. 


No one should have to worry about their animals at their time of death.  Make plans ahead of time so it's not an issue when you go.  Working in the ER, I know firsthand that you never know when today is going to be your last day.  Bad things happen to good people all the time.  If you really don't have anyone, I will take care of your dogs and make sure they get a good home, all together.  You would just need to arrange someone short term.

On a funny note, this is something I worry about too.  One of my very good friends is Jewish, and I am Christian.  We talk about the differences in our religion quite frequently, and one of the topics is the Rapture.  We've made an agreement that she will take care of all my animals when I go, since the theory is that the Jewish people will be left behind....

thanks for the offer Jennifer. It is very kind of you.

What I worry the most is the first couple days. I have a girlfriend and I am sure she will take very good care of my corgis. What worry me the most is if the bad thing happen to both of us. Maybe I think too much but it is just me.

Maggie loves every single person she met. And she did try to run away from me when I walk her when she was little. So I guess she will not miss me too much. But Moe is a different story, he will follow (herd?) me anywhere I go. And he will not eat if he don't see me. So I worry about he the most. For the little Markus, he is just mellow. Sometime, he is more like my little girl. He will be upset, but he will be just fine with some treats. :)

It is hard for me to believe that when it is all over that someone (thing) will tell you that what you have believed is wrong.  You get tossed in to that pile and all was for naught.  Stick with this group and I am sure everything will be fine.  Getting everything set up ahead of time is key.

I actually have thought about this quite often. First, our alarm system knows to first contact my husband and I in case of emergency and if unable to get in touch with us (all in regards to Noodles), they are to contact my parents. I have a note in my wallet that is signed and dated with my mom's information and she is the one to be in charge of Noodles if something happened to both my husband and myself and we were unable to care for him. I also have a signed and dated note in Noodles medical file with the same information about my mom being the person to care for Noodles.

Now in regards to the comment Jennifer made about the rapture, I do think about that, but I realize God knows how much Noodles means to me. Maybe Noodles will get to come along with me?

The alarm thing might work, I will look into that. THANKS. However, even I have alarm home. I rarely set it. Maybe I should start it.

Ask my mom to take care of my dogs is unthinkable. She can barely walk and she need my care.


When I lived and worked in New Mexico on the Navajo Reservation. I made arrangements with a coworker, my vet, and family. If anything happened to me. My cat would be taken to the vet who would then make arrangements to have him flown back to Maine. I set up the arrangement one of the times he was boarded at the vet. They were open to the idea.

Now I have a dog walker and neighbor with a key. Many people in the neighborhood also work at school and would know if anything was up. Becca and Mokey would be taken care of until family could come. Mom would take them both in.

It is nice to have friend that will help. Sadly I don't have many friend. And my vet just retired. Maybe I should ask him for help. Since his girlfriend run a kennel. It might works.  thanks

Vic: You have gotten a lot of good ideas: Arrange with one or more of your friends to temporarily come to your home to feed and care for the dogs until a home for the three of them can be found. Make sure the friend's contact number is in your wallet and that the friend knows to post a blog on Mycorgi, contact your vet, etc.  asking for help. Make sure your dogs have enough water to last a couple of days at all times. If something happens to you, they will be sad, so be careful with yourself, but if the worst does happen, they will eventually adjust to their new home. We can't keep our loved ones from being sad when we go, just make the best plans you can. Then when you have done the best you can, carry on, enjoy life, make friends and play with your pals! PS If you feel unhappy and worry about things often, talk to a doctor. There may be a medical reason. Corgi hugs.


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