I am new to this site.  My son will soon be picking up his new puppy of eight weeks.  He is purchasing her from a breeder in Southeast Missouri.  She has litters once, maybe twice a year.  Has four or five females.  Late this summer she had three litters from three beautiful females.  I believe she has two or three puppies still available.  All others have been sold.

We were recommended to her by someone we met in our area who purchased a Pembroke from her a little over a year ago.  A beautiful little girl she is, for sure.  Healthy, sleek and happy.

She has been sending my son a lot of helpful information about what to expect, vet appointments he should make, and updated photos regularly as Kallie grows.  She is six weeks old right now and he picks her up in two weeks.

Her website is:  http://www.home.earthlink.net/~lkfortin/

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If you live in NW Iowa, you likely would still have a five-plus hour drive from there and then the return trip back to your home, right?  That is about what we are making one way to Kathy's.  I am not fond of road driving either, so I know what you are talking about.  Kevin's car is very fuel efficient, so the costs for Kallie will be better if we drive.  He would go alone, but I would love to see some of Kathy's other puppies, etc., so I'll tag along.

If shipping works best for you, so you can avoid that extra time, hopeful it all works out for the best for all involved.  An overnighter with a motel stay and dinner out might be fun, too ...........

I had discussed the possibility of our helping you out with Kevin and a client who works with a border collie rescue group serving about five midwestern states.  They do a lot of moving BC's available for adoption to different foster homes within those states.  I asked her what she thought about us transporting your puppy for you.  Her first concern was that she would be reluctant to trust just anyone with her puppy and that you didn't know anything about me.  I agreed.  She also pointed out, however, that I could offer references from a few of my clients as I am responsible for their pets and their homes whenever I am petsitting while they are out of town.  Believe me, after eighteen years in the petsitting business, I have a few of those to offer ....... :-) 

We also discussed that, unlike possibly the airline, I could not guarantee the cost of your puppy if anything out of the ordinary happened.  Not likely, but possible.  Say a minor fender-bender where she was injured or worse.  My pet sitting insurance would be good only for my local pet sitting.  I am not authorized under that plan to be responsible for long-distance transporting of pets.

When you put everything together, you have to do what is best for you and your puppy.  I have heard stories, both good and bad in terms of shipping dogs and cats by air.  I hope you can get a good, reliable airline that will guarantee her safe delivery to you.  It would "freak me out" to ship a pet, but I would do it if it was the best way I could handle it.

I will be thinking of her when she is on her way.  I hope it all works out for you.  I know she will want to be with you as soon as possible and with as little stress.  Best of luck to you and let us all know when she is there and photos, too.

I looked at your post again and realize your puppy is Female #2.  She is a real sweetheart.  Looks like she just wants to be picked up and loved.  Good choice!!!

I hope so.  Her mom has a lot of Larklain so I'm hoping for the mellowness from that line rather than the speeding time bomb I have right now, I'm not sure I can handle two lol

I'm debating on seeing if I can have her shipped now instead.  I'll have to send an email and ask how much it is because it might actually be cheaper or very close.  But with two weeks to go, I'm not sure it can be done.  I took my vacation the week after so I'd have that whole week to spend with her and I can't change it now so if it's not possible to get her on a plane in two weeks then we'll just drive down.

Haven't been on here since Kallie came to our family.

I think Kathy said you were going to have your puppy shipped.  How did it go and how is she doing now?  You might have posted elsewhere and if so, sorry.  

I actually haven't posted about her, not sure why.  Just some photos from the night she arrived and some recent ones.  I'll be putting up the rest eventually.

I did end up having her shipped, I picked her up at the airport on October 18th.  It was really windy that day too and she wanted out of her kennel so bad but it took a little time to get her out because the whole thing was sealed with cable ties (extra security so it doesn't open up by accident).  United seems to take very good care of the animals, the cargo area where they're kept is pressurized the same as the passenger cabin and I thought it was climate controlled but I'm not sure (unless that comes with the same pressurization as the cabin, I don't know).  To ensure they aren't exposed to long to extreme temperatures they are kept in the vehicle and are the first to be put on the plane and the first to come off the plane.  She had some jet lag and I ended up having to hand feed her a little on the drive home (mom drove) because she was pretty hungry by the time we got her.

She's doing well now, we're having a bit of an issue with house training but I think she's finally getting it.  The main living area is in the basement so I think she's just unsure that she should tell me that she needs to go out, she whines part of the time.  I was going to train her on a bell but I'm not sure if she'll associate ringing the bell in the basement with going outside since we have to go up stairs and through the kitchen but she might be old enough now that she may understand it.  Maybe I don't give a puppy's memory enough credit, I don't know.

I plan on showing her and also compete in performance events, this will be my first dog with that venture so I was thinking of making a blog about it.  I just don't know what to call it yet.  Oh and her name is Gidget and I'm struggling with her registered name, I have no ideas as of yet.

I'm glad she got such good treatment on her way to you.  I have heard horror stories about some airlines but it sounds like you found a good one.

Kevin's little Kallie is a lot of fun.  She has learned a lot already in obedience classes, etc.  She is about 90 percent housetrained, but does have an accident once in awhile when she gets excited.  Like yesterday when she was running in circles in her living room and a little trail of urine was following her as she ran in the circle.

His biggest problem with her is that she still wants to nip him a lot.  She thinks he is her littermate or playmate, I think.  She never tries to nip me and responds to me nicely.  I think it might be because of my female voice.  Having been around Kathy her first weeks likely made her respond more.

We have a set of bells someone gave us for housetraining, by the way.  Kallie basically just wants to tug on them and play with them.  Hasn't put it together yet that it is the best way to let us know.  She mostly just marches up to the front door and sometimes the back and stands there until we take her out.

I'll have to see if I can find where on the site you posted your photos.  I haven't been on since Kallie arrived as Kallie stays with me during the day while Kevin works.  She is crate trained, but I like having her out with me a lot which means I, nervous that I can be, am always keeping an eye on her to make sure all is okay.

I sent you a friend request. Just accept it and then you can go to my site and see pictures- Seanna is the corgi with just a little bit of white on her nose. Kathy lived outside of St. Louis when we got Seanna... Did she move? She did live on a big farm then....

I just changed my thread title.  I put Southwest Missouri when I meant to put Southeast Missouri.

Yes, Kathy still lives in the same place.  I think Kevin said she is a little over an hour south of St. Louis.  That could include time going through St. Louis, too, I'm not sure.  We go next weekend, so I'll know better then .....

I haven't had time to look through your photos yet, but I quickly took a glance and all of the Corgis are beautiful.  Do you have two or three?  Most of my clients who have dogs have multiples.  Very few have had only one.  The basic number around here seems to be three, but I have some with four.

When my time frees up later in the day, I will look closer at your photos.  Is the one in your profile tag for real?  Did that puppy stand up at the wall like that?  It is a very cute photo.

Nah...I got it off the internet.  I thought it was hysterical though.  Still makes me chuckle!

We have two corgis.  Seanna is five now, and Jackson is around nine.  Jackson was rescued from a puppy mill at age five, and lived with Jane Christensen (she's on here also) until we adopted him.  He's the one with the half white/half red face.  Such a sweet dog!!  Seanna is very bossy, very active--but she's a good girl too!  Tell Kathy that I said Hi when you see her, and tell her Seanna is doing great!  I'll try to send her more pictures soon.

Her farm is gorgeous....total rural setting.  She raises horses too, or at least they used to.  Seanna's dad was Country, and her mom Missy.  Missy ended up going to an adoptive home when she lost her second litter.  I'd have loved to take her, but we already had three other dogs at the time.  Missy was a small, black head tri, and Country a red/white.  I can't wait to see your photos!!

I will tell Kathy hello for you.

I just checked her website to see if the last two have sold.  They are still available.

The real surprise for me was that she has announced that another litter is due October 8th.  The mother is not shown on her site so she must be a new female in her group.   The daddy is Teddy, father to our Kallie.

She said that after this litter, she will not be breeding anymore females until late next spring or early summer.  So, if anybody is interested in a new puppy or knows someone who might be, the time is now, I guess. 


I noticed two new females when I went there just a little bit ago but no Mimi.  I wonder what she looks like.

I finally had a chance to see all of your photos.  Seanna is very pretty.  She also has a bit of a mischievous look to her ......  How old is Jackson now?  He is so lucky you took him into your family.  They both look like such happy little Corgis.

I would imagine Kallie will be photographed a lot.  I do some photography for hire for my clients, although I am basically a candid type photographer with no professional training.  I'm just patient with them.  So, in between my constantly taking photos of animals of all types and Kevin's new Apple phone which takes great photos, we should have an abundant supply of Kallie photos :-) 

On the horses.  I am hoping she still has some and raises them.  I have a client with BC's, a parrot and a Buckskin horse.  Radar is way beyond the prime, however, in the 35 year range.  He has a tumor on his back which they believe to be benign.  However, his "mom" realizes the odds are against him with all factors lining up lately for him.  She has been looking around to see if she wants to get another horse when that sad time comes, and if Kathy has any she might be interested in, it would be good to refer Joyce to her.


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