how much should my 5 year old corgi weigh

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thank you so much
My male corgi is a little over weight too! I have switched his food to wellness for the chubby doggy and he is doing much better. just fyi
I wish Duncan was just a "little" overweight. He weighs 42 lbs...down from 46. What's funny, he didn't look to bad. He is a large corgi, so he was carrying the weigh pretty good. But, between him scarfing down Chloe's food that she wouldn't eat right away, and my husband giving him a bite of everything he was eating.....the weight went on pretty fast.

So now, when they get feed in the morning, if Chloe won't eat her food, I pick it up right away before Duncan can get to it. As for my husband, he's doing better about giving him snacks. We also do fetch about 2-3 times a day for exercise. Plus, Chloe and him have a couple of fraps a day. I have leg problems so I can't really take him on long walks, and our neighborhood always has dogs running loose. Doen't matter if you call them in about it with the animal control. He says he can't find them or their not running loose when he comes around...whatever.


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