Owen has a new thing he's doing. I picked him up out of the pen the other day to take him out to go potty and I got about 10 feet and he yelped like he was in pain. He did it again later that day when I barely touched him to attach his leash! He also is yelping randomly in the pen when I am making dinner or doing something that I can't watch him closely.

Is he crying wolf? Or should I be thinking something is actually wrong. He didn't care much for food last week but this week he is a crazy dog for food, can't get enough - every meal he is done in less than a few minutes the last couple days. Is he growing/testing us/purposefully making me a nervous mommy?

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i personally would take it seriously, he could have an injury that causes him pain when he moves a certain way, it couldn't hurt to have it looked at...
Henry did this for about 8 months. It ended out he had an infection from a wound. (a pit bull attacked him). We didn't find it until it abscessed horribly. Keep a close eye on the boy. If you start seeing minor infections in odd places (tips of ears, et al) get him checked! I had to find a new vet to get an answer on Henry. Watch, watch, watch... check for lumps, check for tender areas. Don't write it off as 'behavior'. It could have a physical aspect. Any recent wounds?
he has some scratches on his belly- kind of looked like skin flaking off.. we've been watching that for infection and it looks pretty normal scabbing/healing.. if it gets worse by mon I think we will call the vet. I'm trying to stradle the fence of nervous first time mom/puppy mom and being normal. I half want to call every time I catch him eating a worm or leaf!
I know what you mean. Henry is my first dog, and I drove my vet out of practice. Well, he just moved but it felt that way...

We couldn't see anything on Henry either until the infection went out of control. His yelping would have occasionally when I picked him up, but not always. When he was just walking across the yard. When he was sound asleep...

Let us know how it goes...
Well, being the neurotic corgi mom that I am, I would probably go see my vet, but on the other side, we were speaking with our trainer the other day, who happens to be a technician at our vet (where I work), and she said that sometimes, even though they are so small, corgi's can experience growth pains. They will sometimes just yelp b/c it might be uncomfortable for them to move their little legs/bodies certain ways. Of course, I'd still just bring him to the vet to make sure, but I thought I'd throw in a little something to help ease any stress you might have. Hope he feels better soon. Puppies always have all types of interesting things going on with them. Good luck!


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