Hello all,
I'm a first time Corgi owner and was wondering if I could get some helpful tips from you all! She's only two weeks old so we haven't gotten her yet but I want to be as prepared as possible. What are some good tips and advice you wish you were given when you received your first Corgi pup? She's a Pembroke Welsh and she's the smallest of the litter.

Thank you so much,
So excited to be a part of the Corgi owner community!!!

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Can't wait to see pictures!

If I had it to do over again, I would be much more diligent, organized and deliberate about my homework.

I'd keep a logbook, a calendar,  write things down.  I would make a 'vocabulary list of all the commands I want puppy to learn, and write out their definitions:  exactly what does "Wait" mean?  "Drop It!"? etc.  Your mental discipline will be taken up by the dog:  you'll know what you're doing, so puppy will figure it out more easily.  Make sure everybody in the family is on the same page, with the program, so puppy does not get confusing cross-messages.  Keep it fun!  Short training sessions, oft repeated.  Plan your work, work your plan.

Learn the Really Reliable Recall concept (Leslie Nelson).  It's discussed on this site.  google it.

Baby-proof your house:


Read your puppy books now.  You'll be busy soon.

If you have smooth floors, look for nonskid throw rugs for takeoff-and-landing zones -- pups can hurt themselves esp. on landings esp. while they'r growing, until about 1 y.o.  Discourage flying leaps off furniture, don't let it become a habit, provide steps.  

I recommend crate training.  Handy.  Eventually, we gave our dogs the run of the house.

Look at the FAQ.

Crate training! It is truly an amazing thing to have, so long as you make sure your pup loves the crate!

I had that issue, she was fine in the crate if it was in the car, no issues at all there. But once it was in the house she would refuse to sleep in it, she would lay in it but as soon as i closed the door she would go nuts to the point of where i was worried she was going to hurt her self trying to get out. So we ended up getting a little crafty and we built a crate esk enclosure. Its three pieces of ply wood set up like a triangle; large enough for her to stretch out but small enough that she cant find a corner to pee in. Tall enough that she can stand up and look over the top but not short enough that she can jump over. She loves it and sleeps through the night, the only down side is that she cant go in of her own free will but that's alright for now.

We recently purchased a crate and plan to train her with it. Been reading up on some ways to make it work. What seemed to be the best things for you all?

As far as the crate training goes there are a few major things I am sure you already know, don't use it as punishment EVER! Make it a place he/she knows will always be safe, etc, etc.. A lot of sources don't explain how. Of course random treating and toys are great, I also love to feed him in his crate, because that is one thing all corgi's love is their food!

As far as crate advice I say teach your pup a word or phrase to have he/she go to the crate. I use "Go settle" because I don't think I will ever say that to someone else. What I love to do is watch youtube videos on how to train certain tricks. If you don't have a clicker I strongly advise getting one, but praise words work too. But look into the channel Kikopup, she does amazing training using only positive reinforcement. And Tab289 had a video on how to make your dog go to a certain location on demand, which I used as Peiko's crate. I recommend checking some of their videos out!

Thanks so much I'll definitely check those videos out. I'm planning on using positive reinforcement and capturing behavior training. 

Awww..so excited for you!!! 

Try not to over-feed - their back is long and can't support a heavy belly.

Highly recommend pet training.  We did the Petsmart program.  It was great and Corgi's are SUPER SMART!!


Good luck - please post pics!!!!  :)

Others have already said it, but I totally agree with the crate training, it is a big help to know there is a safe place for your puppy to be when you are sleeping, or away from the home.  Also puppy proofing your house, take a really close look at things, they will get under and into things you never would have thought of! I like the idea of a book to keep track of things, they grow up fast and learn things quickly, having it all recorded somewhere is a great idea. Keep a camera close by, and mostly just have fun with them, they really, really do grow up fast!

Our older Corgi came from a large litter so his first couple of nights at "home" were hard for him.  We covered his crate up with a blanket at night and that helped calm him down. He would then whine when he needed to be let out (about every two hours) overnight which we were diligent about. He now rings a bell when he needs to go out (he's a year old) but he also tends to ring it when he just wants to go out to play. ;) Our younger Corgi slept through the night right away and we didn't have to cover her crate up. She stays quiet so we have to make sure we keep a close eye on her to let her out...she will just go sit by the door in our kitchen.  She is only 6 months old.  Other than that, make sure they have plenty of chew toys and try to discourage friends/family from playing with the corgi with their hands near the puppy's face-that tends to encourage mouthing we've discovered.  Be patient when teaching tricks, potty training, etc. They learn quickly but can have selective hearing ;)  Good luck!!

Thanks for the feedback. We're anxious to see her personality and how she acts when we have her home. We are prepared for anything! I like that bell trick, so clever! 

I would suggest getting a wired crate as soon as you can, and get a large one right off the bat, that will be your new Corgi's home when your not home for a long time, i did. I purchased Maya while on a hunting trip in Pennsylvania, (it was a planned purchase) in Dec.of 2012. She was 3 1/2 months old when I picked her up from the breeder, and from the time I picked her up, until the time I went back to Louisiana, she stayed in a pet taxi (besides going out to potty). She adjusted real quickly to being locked up at night, and when I was off hunting or visiting relatives. I drove up to Pennsylvania, so she got used to riding in the pet taxi, in a vehicle on our way home. Now when myself and my wife are not home she doesn't mind staying in her wired cage, and we don't have any problems getting her to go in it. Training her young to like here wired cage will be a plus.


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