So I have a 7 week old Pembroke named Marshall. He's adorable first of all :) Today I brought him to his first vet visit, and the first words out of her mouth were, "So what is he crossed with"? The thing is that Marshall is completely black and white.

I met both parents when Marshall was 10 days old, and the dad is fawn and white and the mother is tri-color. Both are purebred Pembrokes. When he was 10 days old (before his eyes were open), he looked exactly like his brothers and sisters except for the color (one female was also only black and white).

His ears aren't up yet, so he does look exactly like a lab puppy (except he's 6.6 pounds). I've read that black and white is a mismark, and since he's only a pet for me (no breeding intended!) that's totally fine with me. However, the vet started telling me stories about a female getting pregnant by 2 different dads in the same litter, so now I'm paranoid. Is Marshall a purebred Pembroke? 

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Yeah, I'm definitely thinking he's part lab. I'm hoping the dad was a small lab, because my apartment's dog weight limit is 30 pounds! I got him thinking that he was a corgi and would stay small, but since he's still the size of his purebred Pem sister, I'm thinking he will stay small. 

Oh yes he will stay small. Sammie stopped growing at 27lbs. She feels a lot more then that but the vet weighed her.

Oh that's good then! He seems to have the corgi fluffy fur too. His hair isn't sleek like a lab's at all

You don't say whether or not you got an AKC registration with your pup.  If you did, AKC should be notified about your doubts as, even though you have no intention of breeding, others may.  Unfortunately, the integrity of AKC papers rides solely on the say so of the breeder, unless someone questions it formally with AKC or other registering body.  Even purebred litters sometimes are not fathered by the sire listed, but by a different dog of that same breed...whether by chance, or intentionally.

None of this matters in a pet, once your heart has been given away but, in the interest of the Breed, the integrity of registration papers should be protected as much as possible.  And yes, a litter may have multiple fathers....

I didn't get AKC registration for him. The breeders said both parents were registered somewhere down their line, but they didn't have papers for them either. As far as I know, everyone who bought a puppy bought them as pets, not for breeding purposes. 

If the parents are not registered, it may be they are not genetically 100% Corgis, even if they look like one.  In that case, the litter could really be from the two dogs you saw, rather then from more than one sire, and some of the pups could display other traits, not showing in the parents (recessive traits), but carried on both sides.

I attached the two pictures I have of the mom when I visited the puppies at 10 days old. I don't have any pictures of the dad, unfortunately. He was herding cattle when I visited :) 


He is totally adorable!!!

Thanks! :) He gives me the funniest faces, and it's so easy to read his mood already. Such a little stinker!

Aw, I love the little white tips on his toes.

Thanks :) He has one all-white paw and it's so cute!

Ummmm...I'm not an expert by any means, but I think he's the mailman's dog....but he's soooo cute that it makes up for it!  If you love him, then what does it matter if he's mixed?  Mutts are usually healthier...although if you paid for a purebred I'd be getting some money back... :-)


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