Hey guys! I finally got tired of not having a corgi meetup to go to, so I organized my own! It had a great turnout! Also, Shippo of course picked out a favorite corgi, and tried to harass her the entire time. She let him know how she felt about that though lol. I wanted to share some pictures from that with everyone. There are a TON, so here is the actual album:

But a couple of my favorites:


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Shippo is so gorgeous! Is she a red and white fluffy or just slightly longer than normal? It looked like loads of fun!

He's a red and white fluffy. =)  I hope we get to do this again next month! =D

Aw! I almost got a fluffy. If my husband didn't love the red and whites so much I was going to look at a fluffy sable that was Ein's brother.

Looks like a good time...especially when the treats came out!

Shippo is so handsome!  Max is a red/white Pem too and I think fluffies are so beautiful.  All corgis from now on will be fluffies.


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