Scott Wiley's Comments

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At 2:23pm on August 13, 2014, Scott Wiley said…

Wendy, Katie did have a litter of puppies but they were not from Joey. Katie was coming into heat and we found another red and white male that we used for a stud.. She had 7 live puppies, all sables. We kept one of the females. I feel negligent, we did not share on MyCorgi like we should have. They were the best puppies! Also, I was asked to write an article about our herding dogs for the Welsh Corgi League newsletter in the UK. If you go to their website I think that you can read it. We are now famous around the world!! WOOF Woof

At 2:18pm on August 12, 2014, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…

I've been off mycorgi for way too long. I'm just curious if Katie had a litter. Please let me know. Love to you, Kathy and your gang! xoxo wendy

At 8:00pm on June 4, 2013, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…

BTW, I didn't mean to compare your loss of Corky to my loss of Lucky. I was truly guilty. I let him out because I was too lazy to walk him and he got hit by a car. Out and out guilt. Your situation was an accident.

At 7:12pm on June 3, 2013, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…

My prayers are out there for Katie to have a little Joey. I read the story about Joey and my heart broke. I too was responsible for the loss of my very first dog when I was a teenager. I was careless and lazy and it cost me my beloved Lucky. It took me forever to be able to think about him w/o feeling stabbing pains of guilt. My very next dog was a Corgi & I've been owned by Corgis ever since. I guess you have to feel blessed for the time you had with him and know the joy and love that he gave you was reciprocal. Any dog, but especially a Corgi, is mighty lucky indeed to be part of the Wiley family. Sending all of you big hugs and love. Wendy

At 5:56pm on June 3, 2013, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…

I was so sad to learn from Kathy about Joey. My heart goes out to you and I know that there are no words, just time to heal the pain. Joey was so loved and happy. I hope that gives you comfort. Condolences from Jack and me.

At 4:45pm on October 23, 2012, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) gave Scott Wiley a gift
At 7:05pm on January 28, 2012, John Wolff said…

Spring Roundup:

Here's how we do it on the west coast.  A few strays are always missed in the Fall Roundup, so we gather the stragglers in early Spring.  Might seem odd to you, but wee're sorta at the other end of the beef industry.

At 4:57pm on June 20, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) gave Scott Wiley a gift
At 8:18am on May 26, 2010, Cody said…
I agree with you fully! Cody keeps me sane. :)
At 7:01pm on May 22, 2010, Leasa said…
Scott & the Corgi gang,
I loved watching your herding video. I know you have the happiest corgis in MT :)
They are happiest when they have a 'job' to do!
At 10:22pm on May 10, 2010, Rebecca Marie O'Bryan said…
they are wonderful lap dogs too lol and i just love there personality! always loving and open to new things. i would love to have four corgis at my feet one day lol but i dont think my husband would go after 2. i showed him your videos because he didnt believe me that corgis could run like that and he was so impressed. i love it when he gets hyper and runs around, when that happens i usually take him to the park, me and my husband run around, throw toys/play with him. we all have such a good time
At 1:55pm on May 9, 2010, Rebecca Marie O'Bryan said…
thank you scott,
i think the videos are wonderful and u should post as many as u like:) i think it will also make some people see that instead of being just a lap dog, that they have a lot of potential and love to work. when teddy is in the house he is calm but if he know that we are going for a run, he will run all day and love to play Frisbee and work for treats lol even when i start scooping his dinner he will do all the tricks he knows even if i dont ask. i loved watching the videos, it was wonderful to see them doing what they love to do and were having a wonderful time, it looked as though they wanted more!
At 11:14am on May 6, 2010, Rebecca Marie O'Bryan said…
thanks for sharing your videos! i love watching corgis do what they were breed for:) lol
At 3:59pm on April 16, 2010, John Wolff gave Scott Wiley a gift
At 7:18pm on April 13, 2010, Lawren and Teddy said…
Scott, I love your videos. Thanks for sharing them.
At 7:05pm on April 13, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug gave Scott Wiley a gift
At 1:30am on April 13, 2010, John Wolff said…
Now we're waiting for you to hire a geeky ranch hand who knows how to mount a solar-powered wireless webcam to a cow's butt so we can have a cow's-eye view of corgis at work.
At 8:53pm on April 10, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
Scott, thanks for the story of how you came to have Corgis. What you found is one of the things that sold me on them too: If you want to be active, they will be right there with you, if you want to sleep all afternoon, they are good with that too. They are the best companions I could ever hope to have. By the way, I looked up Musselshell, MT on the map and you guys really are way out there! Maybe you should start a Corgi Dude Ranch so all the city slicker Corgis can get back to their roots?
At 5:22pm on April 10, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
Scott, how did you come to select Corgis for herding or did it just happen? There in the wilds of Montana they are maybe not the most obvious choice give the popularity of Border Collies and such these days.
At 12:09am on April 9, 2010, David said…
Good to see those videos. So, are the Corgi pack working with the cattle on a regular basis now? They look incredible. Please share your experience with us!

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