I need to use a combo to cover all the above because we found a tick on Lulu (first tick Ive seen here in 15+ years.)

We had been using Revolution but now need to add something for ticks.

Vet suggested Revolution AND Advantix.

Any suggestions, I want the most effective, least harmful and of course least costly combo.



Comfortis + Heartguard


Decisions decisions, any suggestions and actual experienced advice would be helpful!

Leslie and Lulu (12.5 weeks, 10.7 lbs)

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If you have a cat you may want to stay away from Advantix. It can be deadly to cats. I've used Activyl twice this year, no ticks so far, but it seems more harsh than Frontline Plus.

Just an FYI, the tick component in Activyl Tick Plus (permethrin) is the same ingredient in Advantix that is toxic to cats so either medication is equally safe (or unsafe?) to use in a home with cats. The regular Activyl does not contain this ingredient but also does not prevent ticks. 

I just found this out last week while I was doing more research (after I put on dose number two). The cat does not cuddle or lick Becca, but they are on the same furniture. Becca has an absolute fit when I put the Activyl on her. It makes me wonder if it burns or something. My vet sells a collar for fleas and ticks, a friend uses it, but I can't remember the name. I need to find another option.

The deer ticks here think Frontline Plus is like water...

I would try Advantix maybe? The collar we sell at my vet is Preventic collars, those too, like everything else! are toxic to cats. The Advantix and Activyl both are ok after absorption so since the cat doesn't lick or cuddle Becca she is safe :-)

My vet recommends a collar called Scalibor with the active ingredient Deltamethrin.  He said they use this collar in Germany where they are very rigorous about toxicity.  We just got it so will see how it works - I also use Activyl for fleas and originally thought it covered ticks as well but was mistaken.  The collar will work more slowly but be less toxic than a topical application.  Phoebe has just completed a course of doxycycline for lyme - despite having the vaccine she got it and it took a while to figure out.  So many ticks and long. fluffy hair.....

Advantix/Heartgard would be most cost effective option. That way you are only paying for one flea/tick prevention and one heartworm prevention. Revolution is not a very good option in dogs due to poor absorption, it does however cover one species of tick. Trifexis is essentially comfortis+heartworm meds (i.e. comfortis/heartgard) but does not cover for ticks. I would suggest out of all the options going for Advantix/Heartgard or Frontline/Heartgard to get both flea and tick prevention from the topical medication. As Marcie said Advantix is toxic to cats so if you apply it keep dogs and cats separate for a few hours so the medication can absorb. 

TY Melissa. That is how I was leaning as well.
We have no cats, just another older dog who uses Revolution and has never had a tick.

Agreed. I was going to get it for Reg and then the vet remembered I had a cat and said "Nope. Never mind. You have a cat". I had no idea it was toxic to cats. Thank God he caught it.

We use Frontline Plus/Heartgard.

The vet has me using Heartguard and Frontline Plus on Reggie. I'm not too impressed with Frontline because it seems to "wear off" after about two weeks. But, I can't use Advantix because of my cat. Frontline works, but it just doesn't seem to last the full month. 

I give Maya Trifexis. I find it works well on fleas. We don't have a major problem with tics in Southeast Louisiana, in fact, I don't remember the last time i saw a tic down here. The mosquitoes are bad down here so I do rely on Trifexis to protect Maya from heart worms. The liquid flea topical's don't seem to work on Maya so I don't use them. My last two dog's lived 15 to 16 years. We gave them Heartgaurd and Advantix, They never contracted heart worms and it seemed to keep the fleas at bay.

We travel between Colorado and Virginia.  I use Frontline-Plus on the dogs and the cat because it also takes care of many intestinal worms. I also use Heartguard.  All dogs have done well with that combination and the cat has done well with the Frontline Plus..  Since the Frontline lasts 1 month for ticks and 3 months for fleas, I give it monthly in Virginia, and the flea protection covers them when traveling (hotels, rest areas, etc), or when staying with our pet sitter in Colorado where a lot of different dogs go. I like that I don't need to use it monthly when I'm here in Colorado.  I do keep  up the monthly  Heartguard.

I am leery about prevention collars because the fumes are continuously inhaled by the dog and the substances are toxic, especially over long periods. 


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