I was pleased to learn that other owners also use the squirt bottle to stop the barking, especially since I've always felt a little guilty doing it. It's very effective in Bingo's case during most occasions, but it's the aggressive "pay attention to me NOW!" barking that gets so frustrating, as it tends to occur during times when play is not an option, and soothing petting only makes him more excited. We've tried ignoring him when he gets worked up like this but it only makes it worse. He HATES to be ignored! Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs? Other than the squirt bottle, any other suggestions on how to control this type of barking? I don't like to use the squirt bottle here because I worry it could increase aggressive behavior. Bingo is by no means an aggressive dog ordinarily. He has never growled at anyone except during play, even when we occasionally take away his bone while he's chewing it, just to show we are the pack leaders! But I'm at a loss here.