Mocha is the Jedi master in the house, his force is strong and not a whole lot of things in life can rattle him. His only nemesis is the Darth "blender".

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i can't think of much that drives her crazy anymore.. sometimes she chases/barks at the rake and lawn mower..she does get VERY annoyed when sirens go off because ALL the dogs in the neighbourhood howl and howl. she goes into the back yard where she can see the dogs in the next yard and barks once or twice at them then storms back inside. she doesn't mind much else...except for the broom..i gave up on trying to not get her to chase it and bought mini handheld vaccumes to use instead.
Chloe goes crazy over her laser pointer. She would bark at the laser at every turn. Its hilarious.
Not much seems to bother Vash- the vaccuum, cars, screaming kids, playing my music over the stereo... all these things that I THOUGHT would drive him nuts-o. The one thing that DOES drive him mad, is so random.

The newspaper. Or any reading material, actually. I like to sit down on the couch in the living room and read the paper, a magazine, my manga- but Vash goes insane! Barking at it, growling, running around in circles and finally laying down with a frustrated 'harumph-growl'. It's so weird ><;;
I love the "harumph-growl" Brody does that whenever he's not getting his way (like last night when I wouldn't let him lick the lotion off of my hands -- guess they didn't smell right to him and he thought he was helping).
In Roxis new found window sitting ledges.... she has found a new love for squirrels... and squirrel hunting.. and has learned that the door is the magic exit to squirrel chasing *sighs* now we gottah teach her to not book it for the door when people come in and out.

oh and our new mail slot where the mail comes through the door lol. We know the mail is here from the BARKBARKBARKSPLATBARKBARK grrr.. gr... which involves dog hearing mailman.. dog frapping around living room and through kitchen barking... mail coming in... dog stopping to bark at mail then lay on carpet and growl at evil mail lol
Hee hee - I almost missed the "splat" part. How funny!
Duncan goes crazy over the usual...vacuum cleaners....lawn mowers....power tools.....lasers.....but the weirdest is when my husband gets ready for a shower. He tuse to try to help him take his pants and underwear off by pulling on them...which I finally broke him of! He will bark non-stop all the way to the bathroom, hang himself over the tub, and whine until you turn the water on. When he was a puppy, my husband thought it was cute for him to do that, and would encourage him. Now, ocassionally, he gets a little frustrated when Duncan does his shower spaz, but I told my husband...too bad. I warned him about letting him do that. What's funny, he doesn't do that with me. He will run in and hang over the tub for the water, so he can bite at it. But, rarely does he bark. Guess you can tell who the "meanie" is at our house.
Vacuum cleaners for Zim- he is scared to death of them. He goes bonkers (in a good way) when he's playing with the kids or when we go to the ranch I ride on- he LOVES the horses and goes nuts.
Rolo just acquired a new sound that he can't stand...

A popping noise from my mouth... caused by popping my lips apart or by my husband popping chewing gum.

He gets this startled look on his face, stops whatever he's doing, and shies away from us until the horrible noise stops. I don't know what he must be thinking. "Oh my, Daddies tongue just exploded!"

On the plus side... it's a great way to get his attention when calling his name and squeaky toys fail! (and it beats Victoria Stillwell's "Ahbuppbupppbuppbupp!" in both effectiveness and the "oh my gosh I can't believe I just did that in public" factor).
Harry has a distinct fear of the vacum and of my little hand held, no noice lint roller!!
Just the opposite with the shoes here. One particular pair. As soon as my walking/hiking shoes are in my hand, pure pandemonium breaks out! Crazy happy barking, spastic running, leaping, it's chaos! Those dogs are so smart I'd swear they could spell "w-a-l-k"!
Yep, that's our puppies too. Brody will even go and "snuffle" my tennis shoes when he thinks it's time for a walk and then give a little "woof"


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