Does this happen to your corgis? Sometimes Charlie is just not in the mood for a walk. We have a one-mile walk from our house (I think it's ok for a 3,5 month old puppy). I usually take him there once a day. At the week-ends, however, I can take him for a walk twice a day. And he does not always want to go. He sits down on the ground every few yards, he looks very.. pensive, if I can say so. And I have to make him to go.

This morning we were able to do it just a half-way, and I said "Okay, if you are not in the mood, let's go home". That's where he became very happy, and ran home at the maximum speed. When we got home, he ran in circles around the house, bite his toys, and seemed very happy to be home.

He was not scared at the walk, he was not tired, he has not had any bad encounters before. It was just not his regular walk hours. But when I was buying a dog, I had an assumption that dogs are always willing to go for a good walk, and a happy dog is a tired dog.

So, how do your fur-kids behave at the walk? Are they always happy and willing to go?

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yes, I usually take treats with me, this is how he learned "come" command, which he knows really well now :). You probably right that it is a long walk for him. But he is usually full of energy when he gets home. That's an interesting insight about the insecurity feeling. Thanks! I'll do some more observations of his behavior.
This is how Gibson is..he does not want to leave our yard at all..he'll try to go back on the first part of our walk, and then towards the end he'll start running to get back home. I asked my mom about it and she said one of our dogs in the past did this too, and she got over it once she got a little bigger :)
that's good to know :) I just need more patience :)
Indy loves going outside but she is such a stubborn walker. It's either we walk in her direction or she'll just sit there and not move. There have been times when we would just stare at each other waiting for somebody to budge...
that's happens to us too, he-he
But usually I win! :)
my dog, also named charlie. ha. does the same thing. sometimes its really because hes tired. he'll bite on the leash and pull on it until we stop. then i kinda just let him walk behind me at his own pace if we're in a place where there arent any cars. once i had to carry him home. other times is that he knows the path that we're going to take and doesnt want to go that far so hed rather just turn around now. or soemtimes if he knows its gonna rain he'll sit down until we turn around.
this sounds so much like my Charlie! may be it just in the name, he-he
I guess I have it lucky, Molly loves to go for walks. I have to be careful with her to make sure that she does not pull on the lead, she gets carried away and will tug at the lead and tire herself out, but she just gets tired, never stops.

Now brushing I have a 50/50 chance she will love it or hate it. We to to the same spot in the yard when it is time for brushing, and she will just go about half way to the spot and just lay down and go limp....makes it difficult to brush her.
well yes, but Molly is an adult dog. Charlie is a puppy, so I hope he improves :)

I went him to be a Great Hiking Corgi! Because my family likes hiking.

Do you take Molly to the hikes? if yes, how does she behave?
LOL I love it . The Great Hiking Corgi. Right up there with Lassie, Rin Tin, Tin and Wishbone. Madog goes on his first little hike in the woods this weekend.
Let us know how this hike goes! I like your witty stories!
Sidney loves to walk but he will go "flat dog" if it is too hot or muggy. We've gone on a few hikes this summer, and it has been a warm humid one. Most of the time he does fine, but one particularly brutal hike (I shoulda known, it was called "The Way UP hike") took us forever and DID go "way up"! My daughter had to carry him the last 1/4 mile or so, but he perked up once we got to the creek at the end of the trail. He does try, but I think his little legs just tire faster than his furry brothers' do.

I'm looking forward to see how he does on hikes once the weather cools a bit.


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