I'm not sure if this is bad luck or a bad decision on my part. I have been on a waiting list for my very own corgi since April and it is still not looking very good. There have been numerous missed/failed pregnancies or very small litters (1-3 pups, not all of them make it). 

As a first time dog owner, I'm not really quite sure how this process goes. It seemed to be the best option on the west coast that I could locate. The breeder is responsive, does testing, shows her dogs, the place is clean ect. I think she is a very nice lady and I want to believe every good thing, but I'm worried I may just be naive? I keep getting my hopes up, only to be disappointed.

Is this wait normal? How long is too long?  Multiple times i have considered throwing a fit or ditching my deposit, but I know it wouldn't do much good. 

Help!! :( How long was your search for your corgi?

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Hang in there Nicole! Beth and Jane make some great points. 

Personally, I would find a different breeder. Just try to remember that the wait will be worth it! 

I would definitely be looking for another breeder. Way Too many wrong things happening here. Ask for your money back and run! If she doesn't willingly offer it back to you that is another red flag. There are plenty of other breeders out there that will have wonderful pups for you. Good luck!

Corgis are relatively scarce. We were lucky to get a 9 YO female. She had been badly abused and had fear aggression problems. Now, 9 months later, she is sweet and loving and we consider ourselves very lucky to have her. Corgis are very special people. Don't give up on rescue. There are transport groups who will transport a dog across country. Many will do it for free if the dog is a rescue. Talk to the humane society, they usually have a list of reputable transport groups. Nothing beats the feeling that you have saved a life. Betty rescued us from the hole in our souls. All it took was a 40 pound bundle of fur. When I said scarce I was talking about Pembrokes. The Cardis are even harder to find.Good luck.Being owned by a Corgi is the greatest.

Good people of this thread!!!

something awful and something amazing happened today...

Awful: My grandma passed away this morning. I loved her very much and was a wreck all day.

Amazing: The girl before me in line passed and I got the only available pup. The impossible!

Its been one hell of a ride, but I'm hoping that 2015 will be better for me. I just hope for a happy and healthy puppy. I don't have to hope that he's cute or anything...because he is beyond adorable.

Thank you everyone for your wise words and advice. Lets just hope my luck starts changing.

In regards to finding another breeder, I searched and searched and searched some more. No one is getting pups on the ground for quite some time! No one I would go for anyway...I went through 40 pages of breeders on google and could not find one darn lead on a promising option. As a first time corgi owner( I'm sure there will be more than one eventually), this experience was a HUGE lesson and will do nothing but make the rest of this journey easier. I'm going to love this pup to death. Lindsay has worked with me and checked in with me every day, communication has improved 100% and I couldn't be happier. First week of February people!!!  :) 

Sorry about your grandmother.

But...congratulations on the puppy!

LOL! Hope you enjoy puppy-raising. It's quite a ride! :-)

My experience was similar: there are just not many corgi breeders in Arizona. One looks kind of questionable, based on what you can see on their website. One, as I recall, charged even more than Lindsay does and is a fur piece from Yuma. And one lists no puppies at their online site. ??? For a wider choice, you're forced to go out of state.

Thank you :) I have a lot of free time so I am sooo looking forward to it. Yes, not reputable ones anyway... I even looked out of state and I swear, everything was questionable! Its like there is an underground puppy network or something! I suppose some don't need a website though, word of mouth is enough.


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