I am in Denver but can travel pretty much anywhere in CO. I am looking for companion grade not show grade. Reasonably priced. I don't know why CO can charge so much for a corgi. I paid $950 for my current one and hope to pay less for the next one. Any recommendations are appreciated.

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We're finding that the going rate for Corgi puppies is $1200 and up, just about all over the country. Rarely are breeders able to make a distinction between "pet" and "show" puppies at the age the national club recommends their release to a forever home (10 weeks). Why rarely a distinction? Because, a reputable breeder will give all their puppies the same love, care, nurturing, socialization, and opportunities for growth. What you want is a puppy with a wonderful temperament, that only happens from a reputable breeder, and it's worth the wait and the $. Take a look at the PWCCA's website for breeders in CO: http://www.pwcca.org/memberlist.cfm

If Southern Arizona is not too far (and a good puppy is always worth the drive) you might try: http://www.despradocorgis.com (corgi@q.com). She is an AKC Breeder of Merit and we know she has puppies.

I know one breeder who shows and she generally knows during the first week which pups she will keep to show.  She sells the rest for pets and gives all the puppies the same degree of loving care.  So if you find one who doesn't sell their dogs for show, the pups might possibly be less expensive.  Just a thought.

You can also look for a fluffy.  Those are pet qualities only since the fluffy coat is barred from the show ring.

This idea that all the puppies that a breeder who shows are priced the same is clearly only valid in the mind of the beholder ( the breeder). Having been a breeder for many years I can tell you the following: There is no such thing as a show puppy. A puppy at best has show potential and the potential is evaluated by the breeder..  A breeder who has been breeding and showing for many years is usually pretty good at making those picks, but it is still just an educated guess.  This may be different in older puppies ( 7 - months and up ). This is why a pup that a breeder kept for show may become available later when it does not pan out that way. This is usually a good opportunity for the buyer.

It is not however hard to spot a pup who is clearly pet quality. In Corgis fluffies, poorly marked pups,  poor bites, or other attributes in conformation that a breeder will be able to recognize as not promising for a show prospect. None of these  attributes should interfere with being a good tempered, healthy pet.  Pups are generally assessed around 8 wks.

If a breeder has a litter of all show puppies, chances are high the breeder is delusional, and I have known many of these with big egos.  Granted any purebred may be shown.... A show puppy is one that will mature into an individual that can be shown TO WIN and can achieve a Championship. (at least in my parlance.....).

It's true that all the pups cost the same to raise, but a hobby breeder ( one who breeds for the betterment of the breed, not for commercial gain ) should recognize their success in breeding varies and find good homes, at a reasonable price, for the pups that are not of the desired quality for further breeding and showing.

Pups  are great fun, but don't rule out a rescue, there are many fine dogs that with a bit of TLC will make great friends and lifetime companions.  Best wishes for your search.


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