Passerby:              "What were these dogs bred for?"

What I replied:       "Herding cattle in Whales."

What they heard:   "Herding cattle and whales."

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Hah!   So funny.  John, I was just thinking about you and wondering how Al and Gwynn are doing.   Do they still hike?

Forgive me but I used your dogs as an example (didn't name you are the dogs) when someone tried to claim that because Corgis are short dogs, they don't have any stamina.   Which is a riot to anyone who has ever tried to tire out a Corgi (which is near impossible until they are 10 years old or so).

I can attest to this!  Shippo would just keep on chasing his soccer/tennis ball till he collapsed on the ground if I didn't decide for him that he's done!  Corgis don't wanna stop. =P

Jack can outrun any dog for the tennis ball except the two pointer-mixes we know.   And I have never succeeded in tiring the dog out.

Maddie is more like a normal dog and gets tired after exercise, but Jack has gears I've never even seen yet. And he's nearly 8.

I've shown his photos as well to help explain that Corgi's are just fine with their little legs. They can keep up!

When I had Alaskan Malamutes a Ranger in  a National Park came over to see them.  He asked me how you could tell a Malamute from a Husky.  I mentioned a couple of differences then said: "Malamutes only have brown eyes, Huskys can have brown eyes, blue eyes or even one blue eye and one brown eye"  to which he replied, quite sure of himself:  "Oh, yes, one for day vision, one for night vision."  Some things you just can't make up!  Love your story!!!!

hahaha. Love it!

They are getting a bit long in the tooth, their current soccer ball is 3 years old and still has much if its skin.. and they haven't bitten any whales in a long time.  Gwynnie (12) has climbed 1 peak and failed on two others this month, and the failures were because one of the humans couldn't keep up or handle the steep icy snow.  Al might still be a bit lame, so he only climbs little mountains (we met Sparky, another corgi, on this one):This is my dog on drugs.

What an awesome photo!!!!  Gives me the heebyjeebies though.  I'd be afraid my dog would see a butterfly and go leaping after it! 

Thanks for the laugh.  You and your dogs are great.

We get another response not as funny.Folks ask Us what they're bred for,We'll say herding cattle or sheep.Answer'Why would they want to HURT cattle or sheep??Life is amazing,lol!

What corgis are bred for:This was one of the Most Important Corgis of 2014 on Buzzfeed.  Move over, Al & Gwynnie.


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