Hi fellow Corgi parents!

I have another floppy-eared question, but I think it’s a little different than most:

Tucker, my Pembroke, is adorably… frustrating. He will be 8 months old on the 2nd. He was a floppy eared little puppy, but they perked up around 14 weeks and stayed up since 18 weeks. When he was a little over 7 months old, we got him neutered. The surgery was 2 weeks ago. He had to wear the e-collar for a week after the surgery. The vet gave his recovery the all clear, but the thing is - ever since we took the collar off his ears have flopped back down.

My husband and I were afraid it might be an infection, since he LOVED to dig in the yard with his cone on, but his ears are light pink with no smell or discharge. We’ve also cleaned his ears with a salicylic acid-based cleanser we got from the vet when he was a puppy. (Tucker does NOT like that – it’s the only time I’ve have ever seen him snarl. That leads me to believe his ears are irritated.)

So my question is this: our guy has had no change in behavior (still a rambunctious little ball of energy), he doesn’t paw/scratch at his ears, and his ears look healthy (comparing to prior pictures and our other pointy-eared dog). If I remember correctly, the last time Tucker went through a growth spurt, his ears were down, but then they came back up. That was during an appropriate growth time as he was definitely teething.

I’m worried since it’s been about a week with no pointy ears in sight….Should I just let nature run its course and see if they’ll pop back up on their own? Is this something y’all have encountered before?

Thank you!!

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You can tape a dog's ears to try to get them to stand. I wouldn't...went through that with a Doberman whose breeder got someone to do a DIY job on cropping and messed up the dog's ears.  Taping is kinda cruel -- after that experience I wouldn't crop a dobe's ears at all, and I think the practice should be against the law. But some people think floppy ears promote infections, so it's something to think about.

Here's a guy who suggests using surgical glue (which apparently you can get at a pharmacy among the ostomy supplies), which he says can be dissolved off using a surgical solvent without causing any pain or pulling out the dog's hair: http://rufflyspeaking.net/helping-puppy-ears-stand-taping-corgi-pup...

It might be that he has a little infection. I'd take him to the vet before messing with any attempts to force the ear to stand.


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