After a fairly long hiatus I started training for triathlons again last spring, and started running from pretty much zero, taking along Tilley with me. She's gotten in shape with me and now we run 4 miles 2-3 times a week. She absolutely loves it, gets cranky when we go more than 3 days without a run, and is gleefully happy (then sleepy about half an hour later!) after each run.

Anyone have experience with/thoughts on managing running training for corgis? My general tenet has been don't add distance unexpectedly, same as I would do for me, and that's worked.

I will be gradually increasing my mileage over the winter for a half marathon in the spring, and don't know at what point I need to only take her for part of the run(s). Thanks in advance for any insights!

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Actually I have a question Dottie :) What kind of leash do you use when you go running with Tilley? do you need to stop for water breaks or bring a bottle when you go for the 4 miles? I too would like to run that kind of distance with mine.
I had a fancy waist-clasp leash but found it heavier than I needed for a corg. I usually use a superlight nylon (like the 1/4' wide ones, tiny) and a simple chain collar (though she needs this less now since she stays in line, but it is cool for her). There is a water fountain at our turnaround and/or I let her stop by the river and either have a sip or dunk her belly or whatever suits her. (Generally she likes to wade in) If you don't have water on the route you can get one of those bottles with a clipped on trough, or I also recommend just taking a small Fuel Belt flask that fits in your palm or pocket. Obviously in summer I do more stopping at water places and/or carry some to augment.

For the record, she's almost tripped me only twice in all these months by getting too close to my left heel ;)
Thanks for sharing! That's some great tips :) How do you teach your Tilley to stay on one side? My Vienna have a problem of switching sides when she feels like it, it's okay most of the time when we're running, i can still manage, but it's pretty scary when i'm on my bicycle or rollerblades :(
Mostly the choker collar and a few light tugs when she starts to wander (generally she'll duck behind to go right). She's gotten much better but still has her moments of wanting to draft behind me. When she's just right beside me I give a lot of "good girl" comments and then when she drops, it's cmon tilley (pull), and when she pulls ME, I use "wait" or jsut "tilley" and she slows up a bit. Few times she's clipped me I have given a quick "no" and or made a big deal about almost busting it.
This is some great information. I've always been wary of running Roxi long distances but knowing that these little dogs can keep up is great!

Thank you for the information! :)
You are very welcome! If it helps, I started Tilley at about a half mile (and of that, half run half walk) then worked up from there. I use the same general rule they recommend for people: no more than 10% increase in run mileage week to week. :)
I used to run a lot with my Corgi and she loved it. I stopped due to some issues, then tried to start it up again. I find that it's a great way to keep her fit, and now with her agility, it's good to keep her fit between training sessions. I just need to get the motivation to get going (though with the cold, that's getting tough with my asthma). I just always worried with the heat of the summer. (And I'm always warned, for every stride for us, our Corgis take like 3-5 strides.)
I run with one of my corgi's too! Taffy runs with me and loves it. I taught both my corgi's to drink out of a sports bottle so I can always give them a drink no matter what. I never go for a run without a water bottle, so we're all set on the hydration front. I've never tried long mileage with Taffy, but I think it's like anything else. If you work them up slowly and go the right pace, they could probably do any distance with you. I'm a member of a trail running group and we have a canine member who runs ultra marathons with his owner! I've never aspired to running with my gal that sort of distance, but Taffy can easily do 4 miles and has a great time. Taffy's even done a race before. The first year she did the Dog 'N Jog she did the 1 mile in 10 minutes and that was even with a piddle break! I was injured lastd year, but we've set our sights on next year. We'll be shooting for another 10 minute mile! :D
Excellent! We did our local Dog n' Jog as well...even our eldest (almost 18) did the 1-mile - they both had a BLAST. Tilley likes bike bottles fact she's addicted to my recovery drink, goes int he kitchen and asks for it after we run. What a freak :) Good luck with your running and thanks for the encouragement and validation! We'll see how she does through the winter on her mileage. :D
Say, have you tried or had any luck with booties for your corgi? We had a hard winter last season and I tried to get Taffy to wear booties. I figured I could train her to get used to them but it was impossible! Her paws are so slender that I couldn't make the booties fit tight enough around her ankles. She'd just shake her paw and the bootie would slip right off.
I haven't tried winter booties yet. I did get some for the pool deck (sometimes on a summer day she runs in so many circles it tears her feet up) that are kind of like a water balloon looking thing. Very snug and rubbery....but I am skeptical about running with these since I am not sure what it will be like. Too bad she can't say "mom my feet feel a little numb".... I noticed you bike with yours too, we do the same :) Too bad you guys don't live closer to GA!
Yeah, we take our babies everywhere with us! I need to get a picture of Dudley kayaking with me. Taffy doesn't like to kayak but Dudley adores it. He's so funny. He plants his behind between my legs and sits there with his front paws on the deck and looks around while I paddle. He's a hoot. Dudley doesn't much like the trailer behind the bike though. I'm going to have to work with him a lot longer than I did with Taffy to get him accustomed to sitting in it and not trying to jump out.


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