What should come over from LinkedIn but this little squib: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-found-plastic-tick-remover-yay-lis...

A plastic tick remover -- hallelujah brothers and sisters! No idea whether it's any better than a pair of tweezers...mercifully my dogs don't seem to attract many ticks. Desert landscaping has its benefits, I guess. But it's worth knowing about, maybe, for folks who live in tickier parts of the country.

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I keep meaning to get one of these to have just in case... had to deal with ticks 3 times...once on my daughter once on angel lance and once on tucker and I hope to god never to have to deal with them everrrrrr again!!!  i'd like to have this just in case. 

The are so horrid!!

That video clip was mesmerizing! Looks like they make tick removal fun! We've only had to remove 2 ticks in 8 years... so I don't think I can justify purchasing one. But thanks for sharing! I'd never heard of this!


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