In every way. They are blessings when they give us joy and love, AND they are blessings when our selfish selves are 'stretched' and we want to prefer our comfort to their needs......All I can say, God is good in His infinite wisdom.

Has God taught you any lessons about Himself through your corgi? Share with us, please.

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Well, for starters, my husband does NOT like animals. (as you can see by how many i own, he obviously loves me!) But one time he made a mean comment about one of them and I stopped and told him about how all the older folks, and those who are lonely, (and all the rest of us), get so much enjoyment from their animals. And I said that when God created them, it said specifically in the bible...that it was GOOD! He said that was a very good point and he would be nicer regarding his comments. And he has been. I can tell he loves our new puppy, Chloe. :O) God did create animals for many purposes, and there is no doubt, that our enjoyment is definitely one of them!
My Chloe has really taught me to be less selfish, patient, gentle and kind. In some ways it's like having a child (though not the same). I've learned to not be so selfish with my time, to be patient while she learns and grows, and to be gentle and kind if I need to discipline her.

She's also brought me such joy! It's so heart warming to see how she is always so excited to see me in the morning and when I come home from work. :)
I also wanted to add that no one seems to love us quite like our pets do. And that's a great lesson to learn from them! I once saw a bumper sticker that said "I wish I was half the person my dog thinks I am". They think we are wonderful. I hope I can learn to show those I love such unconditional love.
Unconditional love, my dogs still smile and lick me on both good days and bad.
The daily walk with Him - we need to spend sometime everyday, to get to know him, so our life can be balanced and less chaotic.
Hey, how about when your dog sits next to your dinner table forever-hopeful that she/he will get a tasty morsel from you? Moments like this make me wanna be always full of faith and never-failing hope:)
Yes, God has shown His grace and mercy towards me and my husband by blessing us with Butter. It is obvious to us that God picked Butter especially to suit my siutation. We went looking for a little black pug and instead "stumbled upon" (I don't believe in coincidences; only God-incidences) a 47 pound Cardigan.

Butter's love has made me feel less isolated and given me something that I am able to do (look after a pet) to help with feeling futile and worthless. Butter really is the perfect dog for us....his energy level can adapt to mine (he is 9 years old). We take naps together every afternoon and we fall asleep watching each other to see if the other is awake. It is too cute.

He also brings a lot of joy and fun. He listens when I pray. He loves it when I sing Christian hymns to him. In fact the other night we were listening to upbeat Christian praise music and he came in the room, sat up and did the wave as fast as he could to keep in time to the music. It was so sweet and so amazing.

I know that pets will not be in heaven because they don't have souls but I really struggle with this. I really believe that he is a Christian in his heart. He is a better Christian than me; forgives easily, loves easily, loyal and faithful. I find it heartbreaking to think that when his life is over that I will never see him again. I don't believe in Rainbow Bridge. I hope that somehow God will make some allowance that we can see our pets again...

Joy and Baby Butter
Joy, I definitely understand this sentiment, on a theological level.... but I just think that if heaven is indeed perfect that my little babies would be there too :)
In comment to pets in heaven. A friend of mine and I were discussing this just the other day. And though both of us agree with you for the most part, we know dogs don't have souls, but you're right, God may very well allow those pets that we have loved to be there with us just because He's God and He loves to bless His children. This is something I"ve thought a lot about, and even if we don't, I know God is Good either way!!!!
we see 'through the glass darkly' at the moment, but like you said we need to rest in God's sovereignty and trust in His goodness.
From my understanding, we have a soul (which is us-- our personality, knowledge, etc.), body (physical shell) and a spirit (which we are born with, but that dies when we first sin (knowingly go against God's will). It is that "spirit" that is "born again" when we accept Jesus' sacrifice as payment for our sins, turn and give our lives to Him as Lord, and follow Him, learning more and more about Him so that we get closer and closer to Him.

With THAT understanding, I believe that dogs do have a "soul" as that is what makes each animal unique. I don't know that they have a spirit, as THAT is what God gave each of us that allows us to "bind together with" Him... become one as we will when He takes us as His bride (which is what marriage was supposed to portray to us originally, in a perfect world before sin entered.) This is what gives me hope that "MY" dog/s will be there... because each does have their own, unique personality. As you say though, God is Good either way!
I love that - "God-incidences"!!
My brother got my dog (Taters) from watching an Adult Swim show called CowBoy Bebop and they bounty hunters in it have a corgi Ein. My brothing fell in love with the dog and we had to get one so we did.


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