For reasons we never quite found my corgi (Joey) had diarrhea and bleeding last weekend. He had to spend Sunday in an Emergency Care Center ($$$!) where he was given IV fluids, IV Antibiotics and xrays etc. He also spent the night in one of the sterile steel cages. Next day (while I was having emergency dental work done!!) my neighbor picked him up and took him to his regular vet. There the mysterious objects found on x-ray(see another warning I posted) seemed to not be moving. The vet opened him up and without going inside organs manipulated the objects out through his waste. Another night, alone, in a steel cage. I picked him up Tuesday and he has had continuing problems with vomiting (yes, the vet re-checked him yesterday-gave him a shot of an antinausea drug) . His eyes are glassy, he is lethargic, too queasy for amoxicillin and rimadyl. I THINK Joey is really pissed off at me--------I adopted him just 5 months ago and have been amazed at the independence and isolation he seems to show (I wrote about that elsewhere)., Do Corgis tend to "hold a grudge"???
I was on vacation before this all happened and the diarrhea and bleeding may have been related to emotional stress OR the fact that no one told me to wean him off and wean him ON his prednison (for pemphigus). In short, will I ever regain Little Joey's trust and affection???

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Thank You.............Joey is feeling MUCH better today. I have re-introduced solid food a tiny bit at a time. He is prone to a wonky stomach with small bouts of loose stools always so I need to watch that carefully. Still trying to settle on a dry food....using a little California Natural Chicken&Rice formula.
The pemphigus is an educated guess by our vet prove it they will have to remove Joey from the PREDNISONE until the symptoms begin to recur before they can test him. I'm not anxious to get started with that tinkering around just now.
My sister has ofen remarked that Joey's personality seems more "cat-like" than most dogs----the need for privacy and isolation, the independence. When Joey WANTS & NEEDS attention he's right there-but once that emotional tank is filled up he's off on his own orbit.
I will read the link site you provided and thank you very much for your encouragement. Can you tell me more about how Missy displays with the pemphigus???
Being a Sheltie person I'm not really prepared for the nature of Corgis but find almost everything about Joey to be intriguing. They are definitely no suck up hang around for a pat on the head kind of dog........he has become the "sparkplug" of our household, the cat and the Sheltie.
John (and Joey Boy)
John, glad to hear that Joey is doing better. Your patience will pay off. I think you are also becoming a Corgi person in additon to being a Sheltie person! Joey's personality sounds very much like that of a friends Corgi. She was always amazed at how social my Corgis were because her little guy only wanted attention on his terms. They are all so different. Good luck to you with the pemphigus. Thank goodness Joey found you!
Hope Joey feels better soon. : )
Thank you...........he's much better and I hope the improvement continues!!!
john & joeyboy


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