Tigger chews his two middle toe nails on each front paw. I am not sure how to make it stop or even if I can. He doesn't do it when I am around, but I've noticed that they are significantly shorter and rough edged.

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One of my boys used to chew his nails. May also be the way he travels and wears them. Typically if they are to chew nails it would be exactly the same on both feet. My guess is that it has to do with dragging his paws a bit when he travels.
He does drag his feet, it sounds like he's wearing slippers. So maybe that is what it is.
Mine chews his nails also. Bugs the heck out of me! He doesn't like me to cut them so I've started grinding them down abit and he seems to tolerate it a little more. I don't know what to do if anything.....
Gibson's two middle two nails are very short also and it's because he drags his feet when he walks. I did not know he did this until I saw his tracks in the snow recently :)
Do you know Tigger is chewing, or are you just assuming? Theo has nails in the same condition, but I think that's just because of how his nails scrape the ground when he runs around
My black Lab has chewed her toenails her entire life. She has never hurt herself and - bonus - she hardly ever needs her toenails trimmed! :) And I know she chews them because I've seen her, many times.
our black lab mix does the same thing.  We can hear her doing it.  I worried at first, but like you said, she's never hurt herself and this way we don't have to fight her to clip her nails.
Mine chews her nails but i've started to get worried because she's biting really hard and if bleeding a little sometimes. And about a mounth ago she chewed on her dewclaw and then to distract here from it we started playing soccer, and after a couple mins I noticed blood on my sister's shoe nad saw Honey limping. So I picked her up and saw half of her dew claw was gone! I found it a few feet away. She's fine it's growing back and her quick didn't get infected. But now she's doin it evey nite so im trying to distract her from it with like toys and stuff.
A couple of mine will only chew their nails when its time for their trimming and I fell alittle behind schedule on it. Time flies and when I see them doing that its like rut ro..I'm overdue. LOL
Ein chews the nails on his back feet, but not the front. No clue why, but he's always done it.
Our rescue Tucker (have had him for just a month now) just started chewing his nail tonight!!  I hope he doesnt make it a habit, time to trim his nails!!
Al drags his right front paw -- he walks a lot on pavement, and you can hear it -- I never trim those 2 center claws and they are always the shortest. Look closely at the wear pattern.
That's the way I cut the claws: front-to-back, opposite the direction the V-shaped guillotine is designed for. It seems more with-the-grain.


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