Hey guys! I was just wondering if there's a specific tick medication that you guys buy for your dogs. I usually let my vet do it, but its always very expensive so I was wondering if there was a do-it-yourself solution that's cheap and easy to apply? I'd prefer it if I can find this at the local grocery store or pet store. What's a good brand and how often should I apply it?

Thanks in advance.

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We use Frontline (Flea and Tick) for our dogs. I haven't seen it at a grocery store. We have previously bought it from our vet but I just recently ordered it from www.petedge.com and saved about $20 doing it that way.
Frontline is what my vet used as well. I found this to be pretty expensive. I'll take a look at the site you provided, but I'd rather have a solution that I can easily pick up from a store. Thanks anyway, however! If it turns out to be really cheap (with shipping and all that), then I'll definitely think about it.
Do not use Bio Spot. Read here this.
We installed one of the high frequency bug chasers next to the dog's sleeping area a couple of years ago and haven't seen a flea since.
Frontline. You can get it on 1800PetMeds.com for cheaper than the vet. I get all of my dogs' stuff there from Frontline to shampoos to vitamins. Also, they price match. If you find any other website selling the same product/brand/size for cheaper, 1800PetMeds will match it. Plus, everytime you complete an order, they will email you a Coupon Codes to get 5% and 10% off your next order and send you email updates when you need to refill your pet's meds. And it's usually delivered in half the time they say it'll take.
They're awesome.


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