Okay wonderful fellow Corgi owners, I need your help!

Our cute 8 month old Corgi, Remy, SMELLS SO BAD! Forgive my use of caps but he really smells bad. He does spend a good deal of time outside during the day but comes in to socialize at night and sleep in his kennel.

After we bathed him last weekend he started smelling really bad again about three days later. This isn't just dog smell either, it's pretty foul.

Is this common with Corgis? Does anyone else have this issue?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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I'm glad to hear that they thought it was his baby teeth, because when Gibson was really losing a lot of teeth his breath STUNK soo bad. I thought it might have been because of that!!
I def noticed that when LO was losing his baby teeth.
Corgis generally do not have an odor unless they have rolled in something foul or have a medical condition. You would do well not to use shampoos to cover the odor as this will make it more difficult to find the source. All of the items that were mentioned are possibilities so a vet visit is the first step in finding the source of the odor. If all checks out well then perhaps you need to search your yard for something foul that he has access to. Good luck!


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