Katies fav is a balloon, we tie it to a shoe with a 3 ft string, and she herds it around and around,and around. Sometimes we bat it around but Katie will always herd it back to us

What's your Corgis favorite toy!

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The tennis ball, a beat up, deflated football, and a soccer ball we just found. The soccer ball is really funny, because somehow he manages to hook a tooth in one of the flaps and pick this ball up and bring it back to me! It's really funny watching a corgi carry around something larger than his head LMAO.
The stay-puff-marshmellow man shaped kong filled with some crunchy peanut butter. Thats the cat's meow apparently.

Next in line is his soft frisbee with rubber pads on the corners, and after that is half a cow femur that I got from a butcher, he's been eating that thing for like 3 months and it's still going.

I had bad luck with the .99 cent Targe ropes. They were fine when he was a puppy, but as he got older he started picking strands off and eating them, (easily, one time I picked one up and a handfull of fibers fell off). So that had to stop, at least unsupervised because he cant be eating crap to block his digestive tract.
Bowie's favorite toys are his two stuffed kitties (they were mine when I was a kid) that he has removed the faces from, they look really morbid. He brings them to bed every night for snuggling and onto the couch when we watch movies :)
Penny loves this small cow stuffed animal doggie toy I got from Trader Joes. It's a really cute looking cow that's stuffed with organic cotton and has a squeaker inside. Well, Penny is a chewer and a destroyer of anything she can get in her mouth, so the cow is now missing it's stuffing and squeaker as they got pulled out awhile back. She now just plays with the cow ragdoll. I think she's attached to it because sh'e had since she was a puppy. Cute!
My dogs just like plan old tennis balls to play fetch with.
I forgot to mention that they love any toy with a squeaker in it so they can kill it. They the toy is worthless.
Rosie's favorite toy is a large ball. The kind you buy for $3.00 at Wal-Mart. She chases and herds it until it breaks. Sometimes a ball will last a couple of months and other balls will only last a few hours. We give Wal-Mart a lot of business purchasing balls for Rosie to chase. George, on the other hand loves tug of war and his toy raccoon. He customized his raccoon by chewing off its tail. He gave it a stubby tail just like he has.
That's Grover's favorite toy too! But he will go through like eight a month if I let him! He pops them so fast! I wish I could find a toy that did the same thing, bounced and was easily herded, but that he couldn't pop!!!
Hmm, Freya doesn't really get to play with any toys unless she's crated or I lock up our Weimaraner. Otherwise, the Weim will get her toy and devastate it. I did buy her a couple of bully sticks (that Cloud ate up), got her a kong (that she only plays with if I stuff it), an Orka bone that I think she actually likes, and a stuffed toy bone with squeaker in it that she's starting to play with (and hopefully Cloud won't rip it but he's a butt and he will take it from her.)

All in all, they both love to fight over the 2 foot long cow bone basted in some stinky barbecue sauce.

Oh she also loves her rope toy with a tennis ball at the end. I play fetch with her with it. I have to lock us in the bathroom to do it.
Rosie gets jealous when we play with George. If I am playing with George, I have to throw a ball to Rosie at the same time. She makes sure she gets right into the middle of the action. If Rosie is asleep and she hears that George is playing with me, she wakes up, grabs one of her tennis balls and drops it at my feet to throw. I have learned how to play with both at the same time. I get quite a workout.

That's his favorite. I bought it for him when i first got him, and he wouldnt even look at it. Now he absolutly loves it! Along with tennis balls. he's addicted to them!
Oreos favorite toy is a soccer ball or a tennis ball. He'll chase them for forever. Now Chesney on the other hand loves to torture Oreo for the most part...lol. But when she's tired of that she'll attack her squeaky shoe. She has a love hate relationship with it...lol. She'll creep up to it and poke it with her nose and when it squeaks she'll start backing up and barking at it and circling it. Then she'll pounce on it and start chewing on it and growling. Then start it all over again..lol. She is so funny. The other day she kept running back and forth in front of the couch with her head to the side on the floor looking under the couch and barking. I couldn't figure out why until I looked under there and saw that the shoe was under there...lol. I sure hope I can find another one for when this one gets worn out...lol.


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