Have you ever not been able to find your corgi for a few minutes? It happened to me yesterday. It was doggie dinnertime and I started calling for Sidney. I quickly located Bruce and Chester but no Sid. That's weird, I thought. Sid's always first in line when it comes to food! I asked my son "have you seen Sidney", but he hadn't either. We started checking in the house and I began to get worried. Checked in the back yard, raising my voice to call for him with that telltale catch in my voice that betrays my crumbling hope. Tears starting to well up as I begin interrogating other family members; "Are you sure you closed the gate?" "Did he maybe get out the front door?". Argh, it was horrible. As it turns out, he managed to close an upstairs bedroom door behind him. My son found him and you can imagine my immense relief and I hugged him so tight! I'm sure Sid was wondering what the heck was going on and why did we disturb his peaceful nap?

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Yes, around 11:30pm Mocha and I often break into the pantry together, I'm ashamed to say that once I've obtain my munchies, I have left my partner in crime in there a few times :(
lol! i often misplace mac since I'm still sort of used to looking around for Asher. So sometimes hes right by my feet and I dont even realize it XD
sam! that is hilarious!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i think winston would be in HEAVEN if i did that, he'd eat everything in sight. that's so funny though.
Once, and it turned out that Ein was just napping underneath our bed. On several other more serious occasions, it was when other household members left the door open and Ein darted outside and ran down the street. Luckily and thankfully, there was always someone in the neighborhood that called us to let us know they found him and that he's safe.
Awww yes..more then once and panic sets in and the amazement on how could I not remember if I let them in or not since I always count heads as they pass me at the door. Then I question my memory thinking I'm losing it to come to find out one of my kids snuck one of them up to their bedrooms and closed the door or one is under the couch sleeping or the funniest one is they went behind my bed and got STUCK! Didn't know it till they finally barked. LOL
Wow that must have been scary! I haven't misplaced Dax yet, but he's not allowed in any of the bedrooms in my house so he can't really get stuck in one.
Ginny gets herself locked in the laundry room frequently. She goes in and starts sniffing around and ends up pushing the door closed behind her. The first time she got locked in there I searched everywhere in the house for her and was starting to freak out, and finally I found her in there. Now that I know she has the tendency to do that, it's the first place I check.
Yes, it happened to me with my Pembroke. As I was shutting the front door Ozzy darted past me into the front yard. I followed him out and took my eyes off him for a split second while I checked that my other Corgi was safe inside and shut the door. When I looked back, Ozzy was gone. I have a busy street that is only a block away so I completly panicked and ran up and down the block calling his name with no luck. Finally after five minutes here comes Ozzy casualy walking out of a neighbors back yard. You can't imagine the relief I felt. Longest five minutes of my life.
This has happened to me. One time someone left the gate going to the front yard opened and so I let the dogs out (you can't see the gate from the back door) and then was getting something to eat and I hear a scraching at the FRONT DOOR!! It was Maggie my springer!!!!! I ran out on the front porch and called Lucys name and she didn't come, that was when I found out about the opened gate!!!! This happend in December and it was very cold out, but I didn't have time to get my coat so I ran to see if Lucy went to my parents house they live behind me....no luck...I was freaking out by then and didn't know where she went. So I ran back the the front of my house and and by then I was breaking down....it was 11:30pm so it was dark out....any how I looked down the street and there Lucy was standing about a block away...Thank goodness!!!!
I had one of these, but with my basset pup. She was just learning to walk good and disapeared one day. Long story short she had found a hole in the box springs liner and jumped up into there and went to sleep. It took 3 hours and the complete house torn apart to find her.
My cat did that once at a relatives house. We tore apart the house AND the neighborhood. We were all crying when someone looked under the bed again and noticed the bulge in the liner.


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