We've had Carly for a little over a month and it seems like shes more bored or maybe just teething more? We play games with her and train her but there comes a point where I have to study or do work and then she starts going for the couch and window ledges! I have a lot of toys for her, soft, hard and in between but it seems anything else is more exciting for her. How has everyone dealt with this? It gets so bad sometimes I have to put her in her crate and go somewhere else to study. Help!

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Puzzle toys are your best friend.

Premier has a good line of Busy Buddy toys:

Clean run has some good food dispensing toys:
And interactive toys:
And exercising toys:

Personally if I have to study or work on a project I will give them a frozen stuffed kong that will keep them busy for at least an hour and a half. Basil also loves the Chase It toy and it is a quick way to wear him out without wearing me out.
I especially like the Chase It toy. It's good for exercising Gus on rainy or cold days.
haha. Ofelia harrasses our guinea pigs, too! She sits there whining at them because she wants to play with them.
I use the treatstik to give Ginny her meals.

And if I really need her to leave me alone I mix water and peanut butter and freeze it in a kong (plus up the small hole with peanut butter and set it upright in a cup to freeze.

Bullysticks are really great too, but a bit expensive. They sell them in packages now at Costco, so they're cheaper that way.
Hey Liz.......Cat&Matilda's suggestion about keeping the puppy fenced in one section of your home while unsupervised is really the best way to make sure Carly doesn’t get into things she shouldn’t. If a baby gate won’t work, you can also get a portable exercise pen and set it up when you need it and then fold it away when you don’t. Make sure you have all her toys in there with her so she’ll get the idea these are the only things she can chew on. In about a year, you should be able to let her roam on her own without any problems. Also, look for the smaller hard rubber rings for her to chew on while she’s teething so she can get to the back of her gums!
Thanks everyone! I got one of the busy buddy toys and she loves it! I'm starting to give her meals in it and tonight I gave her her dinner and since she was just "playing" with it I completely forgot to take her out! She kept looking at me like ok open the door mom! Are rawhides ok to give? It keeps her busy and I keep a close eye on her.


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