Has anyone tried an "anti-itch" spray for their dogs? I was just wondering if that would help. We haven't pinpointed why Stanley's itchy sometimes but in the meantime I was hoping to provide some relief for him. Anyone had any experience with these products?

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It could be allergies to food, grass or cleaning solvents in the house. Give him a Benedryl for the itches. I give Duncan Children's Benedryl Meltaways. They help him a lot, plus, they melt in their mouth and less fighting with trying to get a pill down their throat. I use the small size also, in case one isn't enough, I can give him another one. I would worry about the spray and them licking it.
Hmm, I'll have to look for the meltaways. But with the sprays, supposedly it's not bad for them it they lick it off but then I guess that defeats the purpose...
We have used Benadryl pills and what we do is just use peanut butter or cream cheese for him to lick it up and the pill is licked up with the peanut butter. It works wonderfully.
Ditto on the benedryl. We give Bear the little pink ones in a piece of cheese but I think he would take them without the cheese if we tried. Bear has flee alergies although, he does not have flees. The Vet said "when he is outside in the grass flees will get on him and stay long enough to bite him eventhough he is treated with flee repealant. And, the bites become infected and create little white flakey patches that flake and spread the alergi." He recomended bathing Bear in using Epi-Soothe pet shampoo (made by Virbac) at least once a week and combing the flakes off of him with a flee comb. We also use "Hot spot" (a tea tree and chamomile oil) spray when we are traveling and can't bathe him. Also, we only comb him outside where the little flakes will not get on anything that he might rub against. I don't think that the spray helps much but I always rub it in real good with my finger tips and that makes Bear happy. Good luck!
I was talking to a nurse the other day that has a "itchy corgi" I was amazed because my poor Scout is always itchy,
I'm always looking for the answer to give her relief,I just feel so so bad, Well.....she told me that she mixes 50% water
and 50% vinagar... and I just put that in a spray bottle and saturated her coat, I couldn't believe it really worked, not a 100% but we'll take anything to relieve the itch. just try it on a couple spots,see what happens, it could be great.
I use vinegar when I get a sunburn!! It stops the pain and itching and turns a bad red sunburn into a tan very quickly. So that's funny that it would work on a dog's itchy skin. I've been trying to figure out what it is about vinegar (acetic acid) that would help the itching but just can't think of it!
tried the anti itch...(no luck, my Scout runs every time she see a spray bottle now,) also the benedryl only lasts as long as it's in their system, atleast that's what they told me. I was giving her benedryl and she just keeps scratching, I was going to try the presciption drugs for her but it sounded so severe and was crazy expensive
and I just don't like all the medcine in her system, I'm going to keep trying the vinagar and water for a while..she's not itchy now...we'll keep our fingers crossed.
Our first corgi would scratch and gnaw sores in her skin. This problem disappeared after we switched to raw meat food.
What does your vet think the itching is being caused by? Is it food allergies?


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