So after a long day of yard work and painting baseboard and crown molding, I get in the shower. Nutmeg usually lays on the bathroom rug waiting for me to get out. She will then attack my feet (which I secretly love). This time, she JUMPED in the bathtub! I was so scared to hear and feel her IN THE TUB with me! OMG! I still cannot figure out how she made it over the tub. So, Im covered in soap, and laughing like crazy! She just looks up at me like, "Hey...what's happening?" She didnt freak or try to jump back out. I washed off, and she just walked around the tub enjoying the warm water. It's was crazy! I turned the water to cooler, and she seemed to really enjoy standing under the shower. I got out, dried off, and threw on my robe and she WAITED in the tub for me to get her out. Dried her off, and made a frozen pizza. Crazy!