Since I've had Freya, I've been working with her on being ok with having her neck handled. She absolutely hates having her neck touched or being pulled by her collar. She's chilled a lot about it with me but she will spazz on my boyfriend.
I have also worked on taking things away from her randomly. Grabbing her in parts of her body randomly and praise her when she reacts the way I want her to.
Well, my boyfriend hasn't done any of that and I'm pretty sure he tries to dominate her when I'm at work cause I know that's what he does with his own dog.
Freya has become annoying in the sense that she will bark at Cloud (the Weimaraner) whenever he is close to her crate when she has a treat or a food. They spend their time fighting over treats and usually Cloud wins and occasionally he will give her something. So I guess she has become food obsessed. She doesn't do this so much with toys because mainly she doesn't have any. The Weimaraner is a monster chewer and destroys things within minutes so she doesn't really have anything. She does have a rope toy with a tennis ball that I keep in the bathroom. Since she follows me in there, I play some fetch or tug with her there.
Last night, I took a rawhide away from her after she and Cloud went off a barking match. She was fine with it (I also noticed that she hid by my feet to snack, it was when Cloud woke up the problems started and when he finished his hide up.) She found something else to chew on in her crate and Cloud got close and she started growling and barking.
After awhile, my boyfriend got sick of it and was going to put her up in the bedroom or take her treat away. She freaked out and started tot attack him. She cut a little bit of his hand and lost her baby tooth (I hope it was her baby tooth) in the process of it all.
I'm not sure what to do here. I've never really had a problem with any of my mom's dogs. I feed both dogs separately. Freya always sits before I give her food and sits whenever I give her anything. Cloud does the same thing. I give both of them the same treats at the same time.
What do I do? Throw a blanket over her kennel? Please help...