We seem to be in an interesting situation

1. We like to have Wally on the bed
2. We like to take Wally to the dog park daily
3. The dog park is entirely dirt
4. Wally likes to paw the water bowls

Thus, Wally + dirt + water = OMG

So, how often can we give him a bath? I'm inclined to say daily is too much...

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Usually it's not good for your dog's skin/fur to bathe them very often... It strips them of their natural oils and defenses against skin infections etc. If you are planning on bathing him often as it sounds like you are planning to do... I would use an oatmeal shampoo. That type helps to moisturize. Also I would recommend getting some sort of additional skin/fur moisturizer... There are many types to choose from. There are leave in conditioners, pills, food/water additives and so on. If you notice his fur getting dull and/or his skin becoming increasingly dry/flaky, I would recommend washing less frequently. I would say if you are very concerned about his dirtyness, washing him a couple times a month would be ok. I would be wary of much more than that. I would consider washing the bed linens more frequently rather than washing him more frequently. Also, finding new and different places to take him that may be more grassy and less dirt would be a great idea. Good luck.
Hi! My guys only get bathed when they begin to smell too much like Fritos or have found something totally objectionable to roll in. I use washable quilts on the bed in order to have the dogs up. Wash and repeat. Oatmeal shampoo, conditioners, cut-up capsule of fish oil in good food and happy, frequent brushings will make your corgi shine! All the best, Nancy
I "wash" my dogs about 3 times/year, when they are super-shedding, so I can give them a good clean and really thin out the tumbleweeds of fur. Otherwise, they're only wet after swimming in whatever lake/river is nearby. We spend a lot of time in the woods, and they enjoy a good mud bath, too -- so I usually just give them a towel rubdown, brush out the remaining dirt when they dry off -- and wash everything in sight a lot. A lot. I've also learned to live with a certain amount of puppy dirt. ;-)
I ususally bathe Beckett Once a Month- hes at the dog park and rolling around in dirt, plus he loves the bath!! I always give him a good brushout too which helps with the insane shedding he does.
I give Gibson a bath at least once a month, but not more than every 2 weeks. I just love the way he smells after a bath and how fluffy he gets. If he gets really dirty between baths, I will rinse him off but not use shampoo :)
hmmm.... try walking him through the grassy area when you're done with the dog park, that will help some. also you can just hose off the bottom half as well. Here in FL, we keep ours in AC, so we bath them every few months.
Yeah this is exactly what we do. I'm slightly OCD though, so I can't stand dirtiness...

I think we've settled on washing him 2-3x a week (we already use oatmeal), getting some hair/skin conditioner, and toning it back if we see his skin getting dry or his coat getting worse.
Wow, that seem like a lot of baths!! I would think 1 a week at every week! I like a clean corgi too, and wouldnt be happy about dirt all over them but I cant think that washing them 2-3x a week is good for them.


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