My Rosie will limp occasionally, especially after she has played and ran for any length of time. Sometimes she has a hard time walking for a few seconds after she wakes up from a nap. It is always her left back leg that seems to be the problem. She has scooted herself across the floor for a bit until she stands up. She doesn't do this all the time. When I took Rosie to the vet, my vet said that Corgi's have very curvy bone structures and it is common for their joints to get out of line, but they will go back into place. She examined her but did not take x-rays. My vet gave me some pain pills to give Rosie when she does this. Rosie is sixteen months old and I would not consider her to be overweight. Should I insist on x-rays?

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Does anyone have any updates on the limping issue?

Lulu started limping on her back right leg about a month ago. Its the same situation as most people describe: she gets up from a nap and it seems as though her leg is "asleep" but after about 10 seconds, the limp goes away. She was on anti-inflammatories and resting for a week and it seemed to get better. But after just one afternoon of off-leash play, the limp was back in full force the next morning. Now she's on another round of meds, this time for 2 weeks, and resting again. I'm hoping this time it is long enough to make a difference. X-rays were taken and evaluated by an orthopedic specialist and everything appears normal. It just seems so strange that, given how common this problem is, there aren't any definitive ways to help it or prevent it from reoccuring. Has anyone experienced any new developments?
Me, too, Bertie Wooster has been limping on and off on his back right leg for a week now. It's happened in the past, but cleared up after a few days of anti-inflammatory medicine. He'll be 5 in a few short weeks, so older than those that had the panosteo problems. Bertie seems fine when walking, running, playing, but will be sore and limping after lying still for awhile. The limping seems to work itself out after a short bit. I got an all natural anti-inflamm (called Duralactin) and started him on that plus a Glucosamine supplement. It seems like whether it's a hip or knee issue, the least invasive course of treatment is anti-inflammatories and rest, so that's what we're trying for now. Argh. If he doesn't improve a little by this weekend, we'll go in for x-rays next week, too.
How is Bertie now that it's been a few more days? Lulu has been better--I haven't seen her limp in 3 days (knock on wood). I think it is the rest that does the trick. We had been taking her to the park every day, sometimes twice a day, for up to an hour at a time. Next week, I think we're going to start with just one park visit a week and see how that goes. Maybe she just needs more recovery time in between long, active play sessions.
from what i understand - if my corgi is on meds, he forgets that he is an inflamed muscle so it exacerbates the situation.. nowadays, it has become a regular phenomenon.. whenever he plays hard.. he pays the price by limping for a bit.. rests (or i force him to by not playing with him outdoors) .. and then gets better again.. till we both forget about it and play really hard again..

now, if only i could teach his stomach to digest good, home made food and not the commercial dog food ..oh well,..
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I like seeing the x-ray. The better informed we all are, the better pet owners we are.
Thanks for asking. Bertie seems better, but it hasn't completely resolved. Like the other comment above, I think he does too much too fast -- runs or jumps -- and re-injures himself. The Duralactin and the Glucosamine supplement seems to be helping, but he's still stiff on that side, and favors that leg when he first moves around. I'm going to give it another week, but if it's still in this in-between state, I may ask around for an orthopedist who knows corgis, I think there is an ortho dog hospital down in Norwalk....sigh. I hate not knowing what's wrong.
So Bertie is MUCH improved. No limping, no straining to get up into a standing position from lyling down. He's still a little pigeon-toed, but we went to agility class on Sat. and he did no limp or show any problems afterwards. I'm going to keep him quiet(ish) for another week anyway, and keep him on the Duralactin for a bit longer -- then I'll just give him the Glucosamine supplement by itself. Phew. No x-rays, at least not this time around.
That is great news. It really seems like resting is the best medicine.
Hi Laurie - I realize this is a two year old discussion, but I found it searching on Google for a plausible explanation as to why my Pembroke limps for just a few seconds after she wakes up (just as you describe in your discussion). Chinook is 19 months old, very healthy, not overweight and gets quite a lot of exercise. The limping after waking up just started happening a couple of days ago - we notice it off and on - not consistently; but she has no problem walking with me and our 6 month old Cardigan for an hour each day. The good news (at least for Chinook) is that the Cardi goes in to be spayed this week, so its a good time to have a rest, and see if its just soft tissue, or something I'll have to get investigated. How is Rosie doing now?


Al, 4 y.o., scared me at the end of Day 6 on a 9-day wilderness backacking trip in a very remote area.  All of a sudden he was limping severely, foreleg.  We'd had a typical day, moderately hard, well over 12 miles with considerable up-and-down steep terrain, all on trail.   We stopped, and he snoozed and dithered for maybe an hour while I set up camp.  Then he would not follow me when I went to get water, even when I insisted stridently.  That's when I spotted the limp.  He wasn't just favoring the leg, he wasn't even walking!  We were a LONG ways from the nearest road!  It looked like it might be a serious situation.  No detectable paw injury; I feared a joint problem.  Quite a bit later, after dinner, he seemed normal again.  I put the Pawz booties on his front feet next day, but they didn't last the day, or I removed them.  I saw no evidence of limping on the last 3 days of the trip.  He was fine.

Don't know what it was.  No thorny plants or broken glass there.  No visible wound.  You know how you sometimes get a momentary crick, or your leg cramps, or goes to sleep, or a minor owie really stiffens up when you stop and rest?  Whatever it was, it was dramatic but ephemeral.

X-rays might show a premature growth plate closure.  Baron was diagnosed at 10 months old.  He will be getting surgery in the spring.  The first vet told us it was because of the short legs and long back.  We have him on cosequin ds daily with Rimadyl for when he seems to be in a lot of pain.


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