We went to a park this weekend that had a big lake and met with some other corgis there. One of the corgis loved jumping in the lake and swimming around. He was awesome! Ginny definitely seemed interested and got in and waded around in the shallow area. I didn't let her go out very far, but I'd like to try to teach her to swim. I bought her a life vest afterwards and we might try going to the reservoir to swim in a few weeks.

Does anyone have any tips for teaching a corgi how to swim? Anything I need to be prepared for?

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My Corgi, Sparky, used to wade only, at the beach near our home. One day, the ground disappeared under his feet and he was swimming! He did 3 experimental circles and decided he was actually an Otter in disguise. I can't keep him out of the ocean now, although he does not like big waves. Peer pressure from his mates was also a factor.
I don't think that you need to teach a corgi to swim...they just instinctively know how. Dooley fell in my friend's pool twice yesterday (I think) on accident. He loves to swim laps in the bathtub but this poses a problem as I tend to get in his way.
Take a few minutes and watch my videos. Superstar and Nutmeg are crazy about swimming. They are both 9 months old. Superstar (when she visits) is more aggressive about playing, and Nutmeg (my baby) is more into the art of the doggie paddle. When I take Nutmeg to the beach, I have to put her life vest on because she tends to run straight into the waves, and gets caught in the undertow. She doesn't realize that her legs are only 4 inches long. LOL! I had to introduce her to the pools, and she likes to float around. She actually went under water to fetch toys! It was crazy! I was laughing so hard, and no one was there to see it!


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