I'm new to the Corgi thing. How often should you bathe a Corgi? Do you use the stuff you buy in a pet store, or does gentle people shampoo work?

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My two have been getting a bath frequently....Once a week. We have been having rain heat etc which has necesitated much bathing with flea be gone shampoo! My girl is NOT happy runs when she hears big boy barking and showing out in the bathroom, he LOVES to take a bath!
I bathe mine every week since he picks up these very interesting smells ... I used puppy stuff from PetCo that smells like baby powder.
At least once a month depending on how dirty he gets.
We bathe Gwenie every three weeks because she smells then! We us an oatmeal shampoo from PetSmart it keep's itche's down and we use a lavender conditioner it help's keep flea's away. She likes the hair dryer too! Low heat year around or just air in summer. She sleeps with us so it's nice to have a good smelling corgi in the bed!
I've noticed with the corgi coat it wipes off dirt and wet really nicely so I bath her about every 3-4 months depending on what time of year it is and where we've been. I really love the furminator it has really helped reduce the shedding.
Have you tried Peticure, the tool for filing the dog's nails, instead of cutting them? I have heard it's much better! There is also a tool called Petipaws which is good also.
I have one of those filing tools for doggy nails and Ella hates it. She is used to the noise of it now, but still doesn't like to to touch her feet.
I think I'm like John: less is more.

I bathe my pack about once a year, sometimes less if the dog is elderly. My dogs don't smell "doggy" etc. I do toe nails, paw hairs, inspect and see to ears and teeth as needed (no clipping or grooming of any other kind).

I brush them a lot. Because corgis have double coats surface dirt often just dries up and falls off, or is easy to brush out after it's dried.

One of my friends who is a breeder and has 7 cardis says that washing frequently w/ a good dog shampoo helps her keep the shedding under control. I haven't tried it as brushing seems to work fine, along w/ a dustbuster, of course!!

I certainly do bathe my guys if they've rolled in something unspeakably awful . . . or not so awful! I agree w/ John that Dead Possum Perfume is an after-bath necessity.

When I do bathe them I used a good dog shampoo, one w/ a no-tears formula. All my dogs have great skin and coats so I don't need to use any conditioners etc. I agree that people shampoo etc is for people.

In the "unlikely" (not) event that one or all have just jumped into the pond or otherwise gotten covered in muck, I rinse them off thoroughly (I have a set up where I have a hot water faucet alongside the ordinary cold one out by my hot tub so I can avoid chilling them--spoiled dogs??? Naaaaaaaaaa). If it's cold outside I bring them in and shower them down in the tub.

I have trained them to shake off when I tell them so I can close the shower curtain before I get further soaked.
Once every 2 years, whether they need it or not.
When I come home from a hike, and they have too much of the mountains embedded in their belly, I just hop in the shower. All you need is water; soap/shampoo is optional.
I bathe Oliver about every two weeks. However, since we moved into the new house, fleas seem to be a bigger problem. I don't know if he is picking them up from the neighbor dogs, or where, but I don't want to load him down with flea/tick treatments, so figure a flea soap bath is better than nothing. I am kinda at a crossroads, because he seems to have sensitive skin, and the more he gets a bath, the more he itches. But without, he brings home fleas. Any ideas?
Curious dog, though. I have yet to have to bathe him because he has gotten 'dirty'. He is TERRIFIED of mud!! When going on walks, he will sit and the edge of the mud puddle and whine until I pick him up and carry him over!!
Lily is 8 months and hasn't had a bath. I'm like the others in that I only bathe my corgis if they have found some really "cool" to roll in and then just usually spot cleaning. The worst is possum poop! Other than that maybe about once a year. Their coats are so easy to clean by brushing and a damp cloth wipe down. I think I just bathe them every once in a while to get even.
We personally haven't bathed our Corgi. We adopted him in Feb 2008. I have taken him to the groomer to get bathed and brushed, but that was last year. When we take him to the dog park, we hose him off afterwards to get all the grime off. He needs his nails trimmed right now, really bad, so I might send him to the groomer to get that done, along with a bath and brush. Corgis are nice, in the fact that they don't stay dirty very long. It all dries out and flakes off. Unlike our shih-tzu! That dirt will stay on him until we give him a good bath.


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