Shayleigh is six months old now and I've only heard her bark one time. Don't get me wrong, I'm super glad she isn't constantly barking, especially because I live in an apartment. Even when she is playing or when I try and get her to bark by making barking noises at her, she is just quiet. Since everyone says how talkative their Corgis are and I was just wondering if my girl is weird or if other Corgis out there are as quiet as she is.

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Our Spartan is 7 months and is now starting to get more talkative. I use to think the same thing. I did teach him recently the speak command so maybe he just didn't know he had a voice.
Gawwwwd I wish Eddy was more quiet.
Haha, yeah, like I said I'm glad she doesn't bark all the time, but a few here and there would be nice.
That sounds wonderful Loki has always been talkative, but started full out barking at about 4 months (this is rare though) usually little talk woofs for wanting to play or while playing, grumbling while scratching etc. He never barks at other dogs however (which is great) but will bay at large boxes and be slightly frightened (I don't understand this part)
Put her in the car for a ride and turn the windshield wipers on - drives mine insane and barks like crazy, like they're coming to get him!
I don't think it's weird. My first corgi wasn't a barker, only if she wanted to alert us about something. Even then, she more or less gruffed when something was a little unusual.

Now, Duncan on the other hand.....he barks at every strange noise. Thank goodness I don't live in an apartment. I would enjoy the fact that you don't have a barker, that means when they do bark, it will be very important.
Mine's a year and a half and doesn't bark unless he's alerting us to something, like if the mail's arrived or when chasing away the winged chirping backyard intruders--birds. I think some corgis are just more talkative than others.
Didi didn't bark much until she was about 9-10 months old. Now that's she's found her voice, she goes at it with a gusto.


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