I got Simon when he was 11 months old - he's now a little over 2 yrs. He has a few behavior issues that I'm trying to determine if they're typical of corgis or just his individual personality...maybe both. As I'm typing this he's pacing back and forth between the living room and kitchen (does this quite often) but doesn't want to go out, has food and water, and my other 2 dogs are just chillin' and chewing a rawhide bone. The worst problem he has -or I guess I have- is that he periodically forgets he's housetrained. And almost every time my son touches him he pees. And he barks REALLY loud. Of course these are just his bad habits.....he's also very smart and quick to learn, gets along great with the other dogs, is affectionate and totally cute. Any corgi savvy suggestions would be appreciated.

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Let's see, sounds like you have a few issues. Of course without a lot of detail, I can only guess. But... the pacing. How much exercise does your dog get? How about mental stimulation? Corgis are meant to be active herding dogs. They are not as energetic as, say, a Border Collie, but they still need something to do. Ours is impossible if he does not have a fairly long walk every day, and he's also two. He also gets bored to death just lying around the house. He does not seem to have a terribly strong chewing urge, so non-edible bones and things don't interest him much and he really depends on us for play. He does like those sterilized cow marrow bones and will chew on a new one for a couple hours, but otherwise he doesn't chew much. So yours may not be getting enough exercise and/or mental stimulation, and he might be pacing in a similar manner to the way you see some big cats in zoos pace. Or, does he seem stressed when he does it? If it becomes a habit, it can be difficult to break because he might be getting something like doggie OCD where he uses a repeated behavior to calm himself. Again, with limited information, it's hard to say. I'd be more inclined to think insufficient exercise or mental stimulation, but if you did not get him til 11 months, is it possible he had some unpleasant early experiences before you got him?

Barking: Corgis can bark very loudly. They are excellent watch dogs, but tend to be a bit hyper-vigilant. Ours will alert us loudly to things like a noisy truck, or kids walking up the street late at night---- anything he thinks might be threatening. But he defers to our judgement, and if we say "It's okay, Jack" he stops. We consider the home security system he provides well worth the occasional unnecessary midnight wakeup over harmless teenagers talking in the road, but some people might feel otherwise.

The housebreaking thing: you mention he pees when your son touches him. How old is your son? Does your dog lift his leg when your son touches him and mark? Does he urinate submissively? Excitedly? In fear? All of those types of urination have different causes and therefore different solutions. Does he also potty inside for other reasons? Or do certain activities, such as contact with your son, always precipitate it?

I guess a little more specific info might give us a better idea of how to advise. :-)
Thanks so much for your insights. I actually had thought maybe he wasn't getting enough exercise but I didn't think of him not getting enough mental stimulation. He gets to go in the yard quite often and he plays with one of my other dogs, but I think I should probably concentrate on playing with him and his toys more. To be honest, my 11 yr old dachshund, Tootsie, is my baby and gets more of my attention than the other 2 even though I try to make sure I'm spending time with all of them. Simon is smart enough to know she rules the place and respects her as the alpha. She tolerates Simon and Georgia (my hound mix) but she doesn't let them near me when she's in my lap. I hope her behavior, or my behavior toward her, isn't causing his problems....do you think that could be it?
To answer some of your other questions....my son is 19. I don't know if he's tinkling due to fear, or submission - I don't believe Joseph has ever done anyting mean to him and I'm sure he wouldn't hurt him. He tinkles when I first get home from work but I'm sure that's just excitement and lately when I brush him he tinkles. He did this when I first got him so I made him wear a belly band. He practically stopped doing it so I stopped putting it on him. He just in the last few wks or so has started this again really frequently. I guess the obvious answer would be to put the belly band back on him, but I'd really like to get to the root of the problem. To answer another question....no, I don't think he was mistreated before I got him. But come to think of it, the first time I saw him he tinkled on me when I picked him up so I guess he was already doing it. He raised his leg and marked a good bit when I first got him as well, but after I had him neutered that stopped.
Certainly anytime there is a behavioral issue, it's good as a precaution to have the vet check him for any physical problem.

If I am understanding you correctly, your dog is piddling as part of his greeting ritual? I saw an episode of "It's Me or the Dog" that addressed this. As much as we want to give our four-legged friends excited greetings when we get home, the best thing is actually to ignore them (all of them; don't just single out the one who is having a problem) when you get home. That means no touching, no talking, no eye contact. After they calm down, and are relaxed and not wriggling around, then you can calmly greet them. As warming as it is to see our dogs turn themselves inside out to say "hi", that's not really the best for them. We have not greeted our dog upon entering from the time he was a pup, and now when I get home if he's asleep he doesn't even always get up to come see me, he's so calm. Initially if your dogs are used to excited greeting rituals, it may take quite awhile for them to calm down, but once they realize that only a calm dog gets attention, it shouldn't take much time at all. That should help alleviate the excited urination, though you may never totally eliminate it.

Playing with your other dog is great, but your Corgi probably craves quality time with just you. Throw a ball, teach him some new tricks, brush him, or something at least once a day. Play with other dogs supplements, but is not a substitute for, one-on-one time with the dog's owner.

It's also quite possible that if Tootsie is exhibiting guarding behavior when she's with you, it might be causing some stress to Simon. Corgis are pretty sensitive dogs. If there is something he wants (to be near you, access to a particular toy, etc) and Tootsie is guarding that, it may be causing some stress. I understand you must be very close to, and protective of, your 11-year-old dog. However, ideally it is up to YOU, not up to her, who approaches you, and when and how. However, advising you on dealing with that sort of problem is really beyond my limited ability as an amateur dog owner/trainer.

So I guess I would say get Simon checked for any physical problems such as a UTI or prostate problem that could be causing this behavior. If something is found, then have it treated and wait to see if the problem resolves itself. If nothing is found, then I would say that calm greetings, some one-on-one time with obedience and fun games, and maybe a reduction in your Tootsie's guarding behavior might all help to make Simon a more relaxed and cheerful Corgi.

Good luck! :-)
I think I saw that episode as well. When I get home I just put my things down and immediately usher them outside. the other 2 run for the yard but Simon stops on the back porch and then I pet him and he tinkles. I guess i should just make him go out for a while then come back and greet him, huh?
As for Tootsie...I do try to discourage her guarding behavior but I can't completely. Meaning I'm not going to keep her from sitting in my lap, etc., however when she snaps at the other dogs she of course gets punished. But usually all she has to do is glare at them and they will back away - she's a fierce little ole gray faced wiener :) I do agree that I should spend more time with Simon individually. Since your first post I've walked him alone and spent more time playing tug of war(his favorite) and just made sure he gets to sit by me, etc. I'm sceduling an appt next week for his shots that are due and I'll have the vet check him for any other problems as well.
He has one other little odd, not bad,behavior that I'm wondering if it's a corgi trait. I can't really describe it well, but he puts his neck across mine and tries to push me down? That sounds crazy but if I'm sitting or especially when I'm in bed, he stretches his neck across mine and lies down like he's trying to hold me down. Does that make any sense at all?
My first guess would be he is uncomfortable. Dogs that hurt are often anxious and display unusual behaviors. With his sudden urination makes me wonder if perhaps he may have a urinary tract issue? Frequent urination and discomfort are signs of this. May be good for you to make an appointment and bring a urine sample along. Any drastic change in behavior often signifies a medical issue.
He doesn't seem to be in pain, but I am having a hard time getting him to do his business (#1) when we go outside. He's due for shots so I"ll go ahead and make him an appt and have this checked. Thanks for the suggestion.


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