Hello to all....just wondering if all Corgis have problems with shedding? Bailey sheds alot all the time. My vet said it is just the breed. I brush him often but he still sheds.

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when you got Bailey did they tell you corgi's shed, shed and then shed some more? Welcome to corgi tumbleweeds!!!!!!!!!! Try the Furminator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie hasn't gotten his full adult coat and so far the shedding hasn't been bad. I brush him with a slicker every evening and get maybe one brushful of fur. This spring or summer, I'm expecting him to blow his baby coat. Then he should shed every single day with two huge coat blowouts a year...just like most Corgis. :)
Miles sheds more than anything I've ever seen. The apartment is covered in a fine layer of corgi fur that clogs up all of our vacuums .
When my boyfriend went to pick Miles up from the breeder she handed him a bottle of "shed-b-gone" and said "Here, you'll need this" haha.
Then once when I was in the bio-lab at school my lab partner turned to me and asked me how many cats I had, on account of all the fur on my sweater and I said " no cats, just one very furry corgi."
Corgi shedding... The thing is you get these beautiful little puppies that don't shed much. They sucker you in with their personalities and good looks and then it kicks in. An explosion of dog hair. A swiffer duster is my best friend. I should have invested in the company It is great entertainment in the summer when the coat blows, pulling the the full tuffs of hair off that cute corgi behind. It is truly amazing just how much hair there really is. I've heard the Furminator is a wonderful tool for the Corgi coat, but I haven't broke down and spent the big bucks yet. It is on my list. I figure I can sweep up a full Corgi in a weeks time. Too bad there isn't a market for the hair! Even with the shedding I can't imagine life without a corgi. I do fantasizing about going to work without Corgi hair on my black pants. Has anyone tried the supplements or treatments that are supposed to reduce shedding. Did you notice there is always a Corgi on the packaging!
My next corgi will be named DYSON! Kai is a black and white, Luna is a blue merle (which basically means she has white fur) and we have dark wood floors. By the time I have vacuumed and let the dogs back out - it is time to do it again. Our house gives new meaning to the term dust bunnies. They're on steroids here. We are now "carding" the dogs weekly ( go to the groomers and have a big ole special brushout designed to lessen the hairloss) as their wintercoats are in. I do not know if Pem's and cardi's have the exact same hair issues - but they have to be similar. I did shave Kai one summer (he looked ridiculous) and that was helpful, but it doesn't help them at all with the heat here in FLA, so we won't do it again. Try the "carding" it has helped, but we still have hair, everywhere.
Hee, hee, heee, corgi's dont shed a lot.. Whew, that was a great joke!!! I have never seen dogs that shed as much as these two do, and all the time. I too, read that they are "only" suppose to shed twice a year. Augie sometimes reminds me of those National Geographic shows the have the buffalo, with giant sheets of hair falling off them. My groomer is doing some sort of vodoo deshedding tratment to them now. I don't ask any questions, it seems to be working..
Hi Carol,
Yeah, they shed like crazy. However...there are some things you can do to help. First, we use a Furminator and a coat rake on our "kids." It gets a good bit of the undercoat out and helps a lot. Consider adding Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids (fish oil) to the diet. And about twice a year they will "blow" their coats. Can't miss it. Tufts of fur everywhere. (The Furminator and coat rake are real handy for this.)
They do only shed twice a year.....from January to June and from July to December
from a Cardi owner. . .yes, they shred like crazy too!! I almost feel like I have a cat - my car interior is covered, and so is my winter coat! When I wash his crate blanket abt once a week, the dryer fluff is all FUR!! I do remember reading that corgis don't shed - HA!
I LOVE MY DYSON....it actually does get all the hair and keep it under control for a day or so!!! I pick up a full canister of hair every week.
I only wish I could come up with some sort of a craft that would utilize all the hair..spun on a spinning wheel, knit in to sweaters??? Pillows stuffed with genuine corgi hair??? Macrame wall hangings?? I could add the cat hair as accent colors!!

how about a corgi "locks of love" for all the Chinese crested hairless dogs?


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