We recently located to a new apartment about 10 mins away from where we used to lived. I expected the transition to be a little rough for Stanley b/c I had heard dogs don't respond well to moving and having their routine/surroundings altered. So I wasn't sure what to expect. So last night was his first night in our new place. He seemed a little unsure but otherwise okay. Well today, we had to crate him while we went shopping. We were gone for a a few hours. When we came home, he seemed like his normal self. Later, our downstairs neighbor came up to introduce herself and also inform us that she had heard Stanley barking pretty much the entire time we were gone. And, it turns out her husband works the night shift so he sleeps during the day. Not good. So I'm not sure what to do. I'm hoping his barking was only b/c it was his first time being alone in the new apt. But what if he's always barked while we were gone and I just never knew it (we never had our neighbors at the previous complex say anything). So what's the best course of action to nip this in the bud? I give him kongs. He's not particularly barky when I'm home with him or even when I leave. How do I stop a behavior that only happens when I'm not there?

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You can try leaving the TV or talk radio on, so that he knows someone's home. If you want to make sure that he did bark while you're gone, you can place a webcam monitor him, sometimes people tend to exaggerate when it's a negative behavior.
Do you spread a little peanut butter on the kong? Many Corgis find that distracting enough to be quiet for awhile.
Maybe it was because it was the first time he was left in the apartment by himself. We just went on vacation not too long ago. The first time I left Lance in the kitchen gated, like I normally do, before we went on vacation he barked as we were leaving!!! He never did that before vacation. I thought great here it goes, but he was fine after that, I think it was just the adjustment of vacation to back home. Hope that is the case for you, just the adjustment to the new place. Lance is almost four and never had seperation anxiety, and I was worried that the vacation was going to cause that, but luckily no.

Sorry for rambling, hope this helps you. Adding peanut butter to the kong is also a good idea as a distraction and always remember not to make a big deal out of you leaving or coming home!!


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