I have a 5 month old corgi and she is the sweetest and relatively compliant pup during the day, but come night time, she turns into Mr Hyde. She barks at what appears to be nothing, becomes more aggressive with my daughter (who is 6) and is, simply put, a spaz.

Is this normal corgi behavior? This is our first experiance with a corgi and a puppy, so I don't know if this is just normal puppy behavior, typical corgi behavior, or both.

I would really appreciate some veteran corgi owner's input on the matter.


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Sounds like a normal pup that is overflowing with energy. I think you would do well to find a puppy class near you. It may also do you well to walk her in the evening so her energy level is not at this level. Corgi pups can be quite challenging. A typical six year child has no idea how to redirect the behaviors so they continue.
Hey Monica - We have had Brynn for a few months now and she gets that way at the very end of the night when she gets cranky and needs sleep . We walk her twice a day and have found it is her way of telling us it's her bed time :) We have a tight routine about when we go to bed and wake up , and she knows it now.She does act so different at bed time , but we put her in her crate and she is soon passed out .Hope this helps ...
Yes, as Sam and Brian wrote, your pup seems totally normal. Her energy level is starting to increase with her age. Charlie "spazzes out" at least twice a day: once in the morning after sleeping all night, and once in the evening between dinner time and bedtime. Fortunately, I have a huge backyard, so his "spaz sessions" include several good FRAP's around the yard. He has learned that inside is for napping or calmer games and training. If you don't have a fenced yard, you'll need to be creative in getting her the exercise she needs. An extra walk a day, playing retrieve or other games inside or outside, a stuffed Kong or Buster Cube for her to work on, will help burn off the extra energy. It's an old, overused cliche (but true): A good dog is a tired dog.
Thanks for your insight.

I think she is just tired, like a cranky tired human baby. I thought at first she wanted to go out for a walk, but she just lays down and I find myself pulling a lying puppy down the street half the time.

I hike with her daily in the morning for at least an hour so she is getting plenty exercise. And she has just started her obedience class. I think she's just being a puppy and I'm finding that corgi's have minds of their own.

Thank you all for your input.
Wow, thanks for asking this question. My little Max does the exact same thing. We were getting a little frusterated because we didn't know why he was turning into a little "devil dog" all the sudden. We have had him for 6 wks now, he's 3 1/2 mos, we have been able to watch his pattern and learned as the others commented that he was just tired. He also acts like small children do when they get tired with the crankyness. He realizes that he is getting tired and he fights it off as long as he can. That's my hint to put him in his kennel. I also noticed that he doesn't do that on Thursdays which is when he attends puppy pre-school which includes 2, 15 min. sessions of free play time. I'm trying to locate one closer to my home so I can have him attend a little more often. With temps here in Alaska being nearly -20 for several days it's hard to keep him outside with out his little paws freezing.
my corgi becomes "grumpy" at night..... and sometimes during the day when he doesnt want to be touched he will growl/snarl at us.... but this happens mostly at night. i think they are just adorable grumpy little creatures... i have yet to figure out why he does it or how it can be broken
Thank you for the good question. Owen has cranky moments too.. and usually around me, rarely my husband (but my job allows for more time with him). I've started putting him in his kennel for about five minutes to calm down. He is happy to go in his crate. I think he just gets frustrated with something like me not letting him chew the bark off the mature japanese maple we have in our front yard. Right now he is in kennel for such a time :).
It's always night time when the dark side of puppies seem to come...alive!

I remember when my twin's corgi was a puppy, she'd use to terrorize us until we were almost in straight jackets. Then, and now, we give her nightly walks - walking and running her until she was exhausted. Then we'd come home, and she'd take a quick nap, about 5 mins, and she'd be up and at 'em once more. Running around the living room and throwing her self at the couch, grabbing our hands with her sharp puppy teeth - and it hurt too! She would grab socks, pencils, anything she could get her mouth on and run outside and run in circles when we'd try to get the thing back from her or she'd run after us and grab our ankles with her teeth if we were to walk across the living towards the kitchen. It's almost like puppies DO NOT want to sleep, so they force themselves to stay awake by doing the craziest things. I am so glad she's over that stage now. It's normal puppy behavior. I have a borzoi puppy at the moment, and even though he's not half the half the half as crazy energy as a corgi puppy, he gets it in him at night time as well.

She's only 5 months, you say? That's very typical at that age. It'll soon pass - once she's nearly a year (I know that sounds a long way away but it actually isn't - I can't believe my twin's corgi is a year and a half! It seems only yesterday she was 3 months old) Just give her exercise (if that will work! lol!) such as walks, or controlled playtime, and if you have a crate, perhaps put her in her crate and say "night time" or whatever you want to tell her that it's time to settle down and sleep when she's getting "beyond it." We had to do that many atimes with my twin's corgi and now, my borzoi! But there isn't nothing to be concerned about, just keep telling her 'no' to remind her that that behavior is not acceptable, but it'll soon pass. My twin's corgi is totally settled now and doesn't go all crazy like she used too, thank goodness. Good luck! Puppies are very wild little things!


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