Emlyn has gotten to the point where the only time she wants to be outside is on the leash. Does anyone else have this problem?

It is to the point where even when walking on the leash she goes up to every doorway we pass wanting to go in. I can't really say it is a problem, just seems odd that she doesn't want to go outside at all.

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Sidney will go outside to potty or to bark at some animal that's getting too close to his territory, but he's never out for long. I think he knows his "pack" lives inside the house and he wants to be where we are.

When we do therapy work, he wants to go into all the rooms, but I think he knows there's a very good chance the person inside has a cookie or a compliment for him.

When we walk outside, he does not care about any door but our own.
No. I have to drag the boys inside at night to go to bed.
My dogs will try that but only in the places they are not allowed. If I walk by a resturant, they are offended when I pull them out of the doorway. Also the local post office has large marble stairs and they love to go up them. But I have never allowed them to go in, and they huff about that too. I think it might be curiousity and knowing that people are inside and therefore treats are too. I swear Miranda would hop into any persons car because she assumes she will get a treat. Corgi's are not known for their suspicion of people. They are very freindly and I think that is what makes them so comical.
After a bit more thought, I think she just doesn't like the small, 20X16 yard with a cedar fence she can't see through. She will go out, but she potties and goes straight into the dog house if I don't let her in immediately.

On the walks it is pretty much the entrance of every building we come to she wants to go in. Even to the point of trying to steer the walk to the entryways of buildings we aren't heading towards.
That sounds like Sidney when we are walking in a downtown area. He wanhts to poke that curious little nose into every shop!
If Charlie is inside... he wants to be out... if he outside.. he wants to be in... its maddening sometimes.

Unless its the front yard of whoever we are visiting... then he wants to go on an adventure! Run away little... mumble mumble.

Roxi just wants to be wherever we are. She could care less lol


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