Hi Everyone! I would love to know the opinions of some veteran corgi owners - at petsmart, while picking up all of our supplies for our new corgi, the associate helping us recommended the Kong brand Zoom Groom as a good brush for Flash our 11 week old. I've used it on him and it doesn't seem to attract any fur, but I also don't think he's shedding right now. All the online reviews I've read of this product state that it's amazing and it works on all breeds, collecting the undercoat "before it hits the floor". Have any of you tried this product, or is there something that works better to reduce shedding? Thanks!

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I agree, furminator and daily brushing. Ask any groomer, those Kong or rubber brushes are really for bathing... which they are great for! Especially the zoom groom style, gets under that coat and rubs the skin without irritating it. Its a good product... just not for what its really advertised for the most.
The zoom groom is great for being 7 bucks, but if your really looking to do some serious brushing, get the furminator. they have also come out with a furminator shampoo, and 'desheding solotion'. when both are left on the dog for 5 whole minutes, it REALLY makes a difference!! great stuff!! worth the expensive price!
I was told that some deshedding shampoos can cause burns and irritation. Have you heard this or had any experience that may lead you to believe this is true?

The groomer used a deshedding conditioner on Finn and he did had a couple little scabs but I can't say whether or not it's from that, brushing or something else.
the first time i used the furminator i found a corgi inside my corgi. i love it, i only use it every couple months and the shedding is minimal now. ive tried lots of other combs none work as well.
we have that bamboo furbuster and it works OK. it takes a lot of elbow grease and ein is still shedding horribly :( i'm thinking he needs something else because his shedding is really becoming a nuisance :(
I love the furminator but how do I get LO to like it. I never thought to anticipate that he wouldn't appreciate it. So far I have got a few swipes in.
I LOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE my furminator!!! The first time I used it this week it was AMAZING how much hair came off of my dog. It was so cool! I love it! You can get them on Ebay REALLY cheap, like 50% off retail. I paid $18 for mine :)!
I used it - actually for my rabbit!

I use a Furminator on my corgi (Balthier) - and only recently decided to try the Zoom Groom on my boy - and it didn't do much. (Maybe the Furminator already got everything?)

It works absolutely awesome for my rabbit though! I put her on a towel and tons of hair comes out - so I don't think it's a bad product necessarily I just like the Furminator so much - ha ha!
Since you have a corgi, plan on having shedding happening year round. You just learn to live with the fur flying all over. The furminator works good and so does a metal dog comb especially if you use it after a bath while using a hair dryer on the dog.
We have a Furminator and it does gather a lot of hair. Finn for some reason objects to this brush more than others though. I was told by a couple groomers that the Furminator can be bad for their skin and to watch for redness or scabbing, never press down hard while using it and never use for extended periods of time. For this reason, we alternate between the Furminator and a regular slicker brush. Both pick up a lot of hair but he doesn't mind the slicker brush as much.
I have the Furminator. There are tons of generic versions of it out there. I dont know how those works. But Ive had the furminator for almost 2 years now and have been using it on two dogs. Havent found the need to replace it.
It works wonder!
There is actually a video out of one of the Corgi owner showing how much hair it took out of their corgi. Let me find it for you and u can see for yourself.
I liked the Kong Zoom Groom for my horses but it doesn't even pick up cat or Siberian fur well so I didn't bother trying it on Caleb. The Furminator is what everyone under the sun has recommended I get.


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